Project Manager Resume
- Love to work at an innovative firm and be a part of the success in environment of growth and excellence by hard work, perseverance and dedication.
- 14 years of experience in designing, developing and maintaining web based applications using HTML5, Java, Angular, Node JS, Adobe Flex, Google Web Toolkit, Spring Boot, REST APIs, Microservices
- 4+ years of Strong experience in Angular 8, REST APIs and Microservices
- 6 years of Strong Adobe Flex 3.5 experience, MVC architecture, Cairngorm applications
- 5 years of Strong GWT 2 .4 experience using MVP framework
- Extensive Experience modernization of legacy applications to Microservice architecture.
- Strong experience on producing and consuming messages using Apache Kafka.
- String experience with Open JPA
- Expertise in Implementing Object Oriented Programming Concepts and Design Patterns
- Extensive Experience on wide range of Web/Application servers like BEA Weblogic and IBM Websphere
- Involved in various stages of software development life cycle - analysis, designing, developing, testing, installing, configuring and maintaining applications
- Working knowledge on many IDE tools like STS, Eclipse, NetBeans, Adobe Flex Builder
- Experience with tools like SQL developer for Oracle, Pageant-Putty and WinSCP for Application logs, properties
- Strong in Version Control Systems like Github, SVN
- Expertise in Implementation of Agile Test Based Software Development with following
- Experience on Jasmine and Karma for Angular and JUnits on Java Code
- Strong on Oracle, MS SQL Server concepts
Web Component Development: Angular 8, Flex 3.5, GWT 2.4, HTML5, CSS.
Frame work methodologies: Spring Boot/MVC, PureMVC, Cairngorm
RDBMS/ Databases: Oracle, MS SQL Server
Web/ Application Servers: IBM Websphere, BEA Weblogic, Oracle Application Server
Builder Tools: IntelliJ, NetBeans, Eclipse, STS, Adobe Flex builder
DB Connectivity s: SQL Developer
Client Side Scripting: JavaScript, Action Script, Angular, Node JS, Type Script
Project Manager
- Involved in architecture, requirements gathering, design and development.
- Involved in User Stories Creation/Review and Create AD/Application Design.
- Migrated legacy applications to Microservice architecture using Spring Boot, Postgres, AWS and Kubernetes.
- Lead multiple teams on multiple projects in resolving complex issues and performed code reviews.
- Involved in UI prototype using Axure and iRise.
- Develop Web Components using HTML5, Angular, Node JS, Type Script, Adobe Flex, GWT
- Consumed order updates from order management Kafka topic, implemented business logic and published updated messages through Kafka topic to downstream systems.
- Create REST APIs using Spring and Microservice architecture.
- Implemented framework for CUA Authorization and Authentication Filter
- Implementation of Agile Test Based Software Development with following
- Used Jasmine and Karma for Angular and JUnits on Java Code.
- Implemented async framework using JMS in Flex project
- Implement Pure MVC, Cairngorm for Adobe Flex, data handing over Action Message Format (AMF) and HTTP (AMFX) Channels.
- Working knowledge of SOAP Web Services, Open JPA, testing WSDL/XML request/responses using SoapUI.
- Integrated all J2EE layers like presentation and business/middle layer using Spring annotations and auto-wiring.
- Experience with setting up projects in Jenkins, Sonar, Hudson for feature and release branches
Environment: Java 1.8, Spring Boot/MVC, Postgres, Apache Kafka 2.3, AWS, Angular 4, NodeJS, Type Script, Flex 3.5, GWT 2.4, Action Script 3.0, WinSCP 5.15, Pageant-Putty, Web Services, Microservices, REST APIs, Open JPA, Weblogic 10.3, Apache Maven 3.5, Jasmine 2.5, Karma 3.0, JUnit 4.4, Log4J, Axure Pro 5.0, Jenkins, Hudson, Sonar, Crucible, D2 JIRA, Failbox, D2 JIRA, iTrack.
Confidential, GA
Project Manager
- Involved in development and QA Support
- Created Custom Components
- Integration of BlazeDS and RESTful webservices
- Data handing over Action Message Format (AMF) and HTTP (AMFX) Channels.
- ActionScript Design Patterns (Singleton, Business Delegate, Command Pattern, MVC Pattern)
- Implemented the user interface using Cairngorm Framework and adhering to the best practices of Cairngorm.
- Implemented the user interface using Cairngorm Framework.
- Designed and Developed several GUI pages which perform regular to complex operations and include complex layouts.
- Working knowledge of SOAP Web Services, testing WSDL/XML request/responses using SoapUI, RESTful webservices (worked on various annotations of RESTful webservices)
- Integrated all J2EE layers like presentation and business/middle layer using Spring annotations and auto-wiring.
Project Manager
- Involved in design of the GUI using JSF using NetBeans Visual Webpack
- Validating data and storing it in derby database, validation involves both client side and server side validation
- Designed GUI containing table using Data List Provider concept in JSF using NetBeans Visual Webpack
- Extensively used PageState concept in JSF
- Configured the Glassfish admin console, creating user/ user roles, deploying application and writing deployment descriptor, navigation rules, managed beans in faces-config.xml
- Coding iterations using Generics in Java 1.5
- Responsible to support Team Lead by involving in writing annotations and entities
- Created Reports using Jasper Reports iReports and uploaded on to JasperServer and then migrated to Glassfish Application Server
- Involved in writing hibernate mapping files
- Responsible for creating jobs and emailing stuff using JasperServer
- Responsible for creating reports using virtualizer for generating large amount of data
- Coding using NetBeans Visual Webpack IDE
- Wrote some user defined functions in derby database
- Wrote JavaScript Validations
- Followed the Agile Software Development Methodology
- Build the JasperServer through Maven
- Involved in writing the Use Cases, helping Team lead meeting QM objectives
Environment: Java 1.5, JSF, JavaScript, derby 10.3, HTML, NetBeans 6 Visual Webpack IDE, Win CVS, Jasper Reports iReports, JasperServer 2.0, ant, Maven, Hibernate, EJB 3.0, Glassfish