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Oracle Apex Pl/sql Developer Resume

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More than twenty - seven years of experience in software engineering and systems analysis developing software for military and business applications. This includes simulation, real-time and RDBMS software involving communications, data reduction, command and control systems, prototyping, custom and interface development, data and software architecture, database analysis, ETL processing, data warehousing, application development, and report generation.



Oracle APEX PL/SQL Developer


  • Enhanced multiple Oracle APEX applications for bank data warehouse processing.
  • Added report pages as well as substantial back end enhancement for automatic exception handling.
  • Made significant enhancements to negative balance processes.

Skills Utilized: Oracle 12c, PL/SQL, APEX web applications, Data Warehousing, Linux


Oracle APEX Application Developer


  • Supported 12 APEX Oracle12c databases and an MS Access database with an Oracle back end.
  • Successfully migrated several databases from Oracle 10g, APEX 3.0.1 to Oracle12c, APEX 4.2.6.
  • Made several critical enhancements to the database applications to support business needs.
  • Supported IT needs of 400 users by myself; and at the same time made enhancements and migrated multiple databases to newer environments.

Skills Utilized: Oracle 10g, 11g, 12c, PL/SQL, APEX web applications, Linux, XML, Oracle Server, Tomcat Server


Senior Software/Database Developer


  • Developed application software to enhance internal enrollment application for a successful healthcare service provider and insurance company.
  • Developed several key components of a reporting/business application utilized by all the departments of the company.
  • This included developing software to automate the generation of all claims correspondence both electronically and via mail.
  • Developed automated ETL database processes to handle import and export of critical data files from/to our major corporate clients.
  • Managed the execution of critical database processes to maintain integrity of the data warehouse.
  • Developed all database logic to provide reporting to state insurance commissions and underwriting companies.
  • Handled all batch file transfers from/to our corporate partners. Provided all ad-hoc reporting required by every department in the company, creating quick turnaround data reports for clients, partners, and in-house analysis.
  • This included crystal report generation and integration into existing applications.
  • Troubleshot application software and data issues in production and warehouse databases.

Skills Utilized: Oracle 10g, 11g, PL/SQL, VB.net, Visual Studio 2008, Crystal Reports XI, Visual Basic 6, Linux Cron, DOS Batch, PSCP, Oracle Server


Senior Software Developer


  • Developed mortgage application software which originated and processed loans for a leading residential real estate finance company.
  • Efforts included design, development and test of application enhancements and defect resolution.
  • Provided production support by troubleshooting a variety of database, user interface, middle tier logic and data issues.
  • Specialized in product and pricing functionality in Gallagher NetOxygen application and Microsoft Excel application utilizing Visual Basic for Applications.
  • Provided technical input into all business decisions related to product and pricing component of the application.

Skills Utilized: Oracle 10g, VBScript, JavaScript, XML, N-tier architecture, Microsoft Excel Macros with VBA


Senior Software Engineer


  • Led effort to develop the means to target individual households which subscribe to a cable provider.
  • Developed algorithms to perform targeting in the prototype applications, researching and evaluating consumer data requirements and sources, developing and testing various profiling methods to define the target audience, analyzing the data warehousing requirements, and creating database schema to prototype and optimize various targeting approaches.
  • Led a design team which developed requirements and created a web interface for this Java application utilizing JDBC, SQL Server and MS Access.
  • Developed overall back-end system design and requirements. Developed modules in C/C++ and SQL to handle back-end processes.
  • Supported effort to convert legacy FOXPRO application to Visual C++ application utilizing Windows 32 API and MS SQL Server 2000.
  • Designed, coded, tested, in and documented modules for a media broker application. Created and augmented SQL Server database utilizing DTS, stored procedures and triggers.

Skills Utilized: NT Workstation, Microsoft Access, MS SQL Server 2000, Java, JDBC, Visual C/C++, Windows


Senior Programmer/Analyst


  • Developed specifications and new code to provide customized functionality to customers utilizing a CRM application.
  • Involved with issue resolution and customer support in various areas of the system.
  • Efforts include database modification, application enhancement and interface development and support.

Skills Utilized: PROGRESS version 7 using UNIX on the PC hosting HP and IBM platforms.


Software/Test Engineer


  • Developed and verified test criteria for evaluation of a real - time software segment.
  • Designed, developed, unit tested and integrated database initialization software used to initialize software components of a large, real-time software project.

Skills Utilized: Programming in C/C++, PL/SQL, embedded ORACLE SQL, Sun UNIX, IBM AIX. Experience using IBM RISC 6000, Sun Interleaf.

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