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Ssrs/ssis Developer Resume

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Sunnyvale, CA


  • Over 6 years of IT Professional experience in Development, Client Analysis, Database Design, and Presentation using SQL Server … Experience in various industries includes Retail, Financial, Health care and Media.
  • Strong experience with T - SQL (DDL & DML) in Implementing & Developing Stored Procedures, Triggers, Nested Queries, Joins, Cursors, Views, User Defined Functions, Indexes, User Profiles, Relational Database Models, Creating & Updating tables and checking the database consistency by executing DBCC Commands.
  • Ability to work in all stages of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Experience in Error handling and debugging coding issues and troubleshoot production problems.
  • Extensive Experience in RDBMS concepts such as Tables, User Defined Data Types, Indexes, Indexed Views, Functions, CTE's, Table Variables and Stored Procedures.
  • Experience in using tools like Database Engine Tuning Advisor, SQL Profiler, Index Tuning Wizard and Windows Performance Monitor for Monitoring and Tuning MS SQL Server Performance.
  • Expertise in SQL Server … Reporting Services (SSRS), SQL Server … Integration Services (SSIS) and in SQL Server … Analysis Services (SSAS) in Business Intelligence (BI).
  • Hands on experience with performing various SSIS data transformation tasks like Look-ups, Fuzzy Look-ups, Conditional Splits and Event Handlers, Error Handlers etc.
  • Transformed data from one server to other servers using tools like Bulk Copy Program (BCP), DataTransformation Services (DTS) (2000) and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) … R2).
  • Experience in using SSIS integration tool kit for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for the data integration.
  • Extensive experience in working with the CTE (Common Table Expressions) in Select, Insert, Delete, Update statements.
  • Excellent knowledge of Scheduling Jobs and Alerts using SQL Server Agent.
  • Hands on experience in installing, configuring, managing, upgrading, and migrating, Backup/Restore, monitoring, and troubleshooting SQL Server 2008 …
  • Experience in Managing Security of SQL Server … R2 Databases by creating Database Users, Roles and assigning proper permissions according to the business requirements.
  • Experience in developing Dashboard, Ad-hoc and Parameterized Reports, create complex reports (ex: drill down reports using different objects) using SSRS.
  • Experience in Configure and maintain Report Manager and Report Server for SSRS, Deployed and Scheduled the Reports in Report Manager.
  • Integration of SSRS Reports using various web parts into SharePoint (MOSS 2007) and various delivery mechanisms.
  • Wrote C# script to load data from multiple sheets of an excel work book.
  • Experience in writing Unix shells scripts to load the daily feed through ETL to the master database.
  • Experience in working on version control systems like Subversion, and GIT.
  • Experience in publishing Power BI Desktop reports created in Report view to the Power BI service.
  • Used Power Query to acquire data and Power BI desktop for designing rich visuals.
  • Experience in Interacting with Business users to analyze the business process and transforming requirements into screens, performing ETL, documenting and rolling out the deliverables.
  • Strong Experience in Creating, Configuring, Deploying, and Testing SSIS Packages.
  • Worked extensively on Extraction, Transformation, loading data from Oracle, DB2, Access, Excel, Flat Files, and XML using DTS, SSIS.
  • Experience in .NET/C# application development environment to use SQL Server Databases.
  • Good experience in creating OLAP cubes using SQL Server analysis services (SSAS).
  • Created databases and schema objects including tables, indexes, and applied constraints, connected various applications to the database and written functions, stored procedures, and triggers.
  • Good knowledge of Data Marts, Data warehousing, Operational Data Store (ODS), OLAP, Data Modeling like Dimensional Data Modeling, Star Schema Modeling, Snow-Flake Modeling, FACT, and Dimensions Tables using MS Analysis Services.
  • Expertise with continuous integration and nightly deployments using TFS with a test-driven Design approach.
  • Good understanding of Normalization /De-normalization, Normal Form, and database design methodology Expertise in using data modeling tools like MS Visio and Erwin Tool for logical and physical design of databases.
  • Skilled in design of logical and physical data modeling using Erwin data modeling tool.
  • Worked with Business Analysts, Web development team, and users on database solutions.


Programming Languages: T: SQL, PL/SQL, C, C++, Visual Basic 6.0., C#, VB.Net, ASP.NET, HTML, XML, SAS

Database: MS SQL Server 2005/2008/R 2/2012/2014/2016 , IBM DB2, Oracle8i/9i/10g, MS Access.

ETL Tools: DTS, SSIS, Informatics, Power Center 6.2/7.1.x/ 8.1.1/8.6.1 , Data Stage 6.0

Reporting Tools: MS Reporting Services, Power BI, Excel, SSAS, Crystal reports.

Database Tools: TOAD, PL/SQL Developer, SQL: Navigator, SQL*Plus, Test Director, Win Runner

Modelling Tools: Database designer, UML, Visio, ER: Win.

Operating System: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows NT, Windows 95/98/2000 XP/Vista/7, Unix

IT Processes: Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)


Confidential, Sunnyvale, CA

SSRS/SSIS Developer


  • Involved in User Requirement Gathering and Technical Specification Documentation.
  • Generated various Report models on Views (due to security issues) and deployed them on to the production reporting server and generated various Report models and ad-hoc reports.
  • Developed daily, weekly, monthly reports and delivered reports to the required users.
  • Maintained the table performance by following the tuning tips like normalization, creating indexes and collect statistics.
  • Responsible for Debugging reports using Stored Procedures.
  • Built effective queries for high-performance reporting and rendered them to HTML, XML, PDF, and Excel formats using Reporting Services.
  • Identified and defined the Datasets for the report generation and wrote the queries for the drill down reports, sub reports.
  • Used SSIS tool kit for the data integration of Microsoft Dynamics 365.
  • Wrote CTE (Common Table Expressions) statements for the complex data sets,
  • Created a SQL 2008 Reporting Services (SSRS) and SSIS Infrastructure that pulls data from data sources and provides a simple to use reporting environment.
  • Created SSRS reports using Report Parameters, Drop-Down Parameters, Multi-Valued Parameters Debugging Parameter Issues Matrix Reports, and Charts.
  • Created Ad-Hoc Reporting with Report Builder and Programming Reporting Services.
  • Used SSRS Report Catalog to store the Configuration, Security, and Caching Information for the Operation of the Report Server.
  • Used to create Full backups, Transactional log backups as well.
  • Deployed the generated reports on to the Report server and fine-tuned the database objects and server to ensure efficient data retrieval.
  • Used Git version control system to check in the code.
  • Creating Dashboard Reports using Power BI and Tableau.
  • Implemented Power BI Power Query to extract data from external sources and modify the data to generate the reports.
  • Worked on both live and import data to Power BI for creating reports.
  • Expertise in publishing Power Bi reports of dashboards in Power BI server and scheduling the dataset to refresh for live data in Power BI server.
  • Created various SSIS packages for the ETL functionality of the data and importing data from various tables to the rollup tables.
  • Developed and created stored procedures, advanced queries, triggers, views, indexes, and functions for databases.
  • Developed SQL Queries to fetch complex data from different tables in remote databases using joins, database links and formatted the results into reports. Worked on SQL Server Integration Services to integrate and analyze data from multiple heterogeneous information sources (Oracle & Sybase)
  • Performed daily tasks including backup and restore by using SQL Server 2008 tools like SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Profiler, SQL Server Agent, and Database Engine Tuning Advisor
  • Responsible for ETL operation using SQL Server Integration Services and Worked with users in training and support and have experience in incremental data loading.
  • Developed SQL SSIS Packages to extract data from various data sources including Access database, Excel spreadsheets, and flat files into SQL server 2008.
  • Performed Data Analysis and Reporting by using multiple transformations provided by SSIS such as data conversion, conditional split, bulk insert, merge, and union all.
  • Worked with different methods of logging in SSIS.
  • Retrieved logins and passwords using Configuration Manager.
  • Extensively used transformations, control low tasks, data flow tasks, containers, and event handlers.
  • Experience in upgrading SQL Server software to new versions and applying service packs and hot fixes and unattended Installations.
  • Extensively used SSIS Import/Export Wizard, for performing the ETL operations.
  • Used Team foundation server (TFS) for storing the store procedures, tables, indexes from development environment and used that for deploying into test and production environment.
  • Performed database transfers and queries tune-up, integrity verification, data cleansing, analysis, and interpretation. Developed, monitored, and deployed SSIS packages.
  • Optimized SQL Queries using Query Analyzer.
  • Designed and created views for security purposes, implemented rules, defaults, and user defined data types.
  • Designed and implemented data access stored procedures and triggers for automating tasks.

Environment: MS SQL Server 2008R2, 2008/2005 SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, TFS, Visual Studio 2010, T- SQL, Windows Server 2008 R2, XML, ADO.NET, ERWIN, PL/SQL, MS-Access, MS-Excel, SharePoint 2010.

Confidential, Jacksonville, FL

Sr. SQL BI Consultant


  • Created Tablix reports, chart reports, line reports, parameterized reports, sub reports using SQL Server Reporting Services.
  • Developed SSRS reports from various databases including Oracle, Hyperion, and SQL Server. Created snapshots of reports to reduce the load on the server.
  • Involved in creating and visualizing dashboards using Tableau Desktop.
  • Designed and developed packages for data warehouse using Integration Services (SSIS) SQL Server.
  • Designed high level ETL architecture for overall data transfer from the OLTP to OLAP with the help of SSIS. Improved data load performance by analyzing database design and query plans.
  • Logical and Physical design of database for projects per user requirements using ERWIN.
  • Implemented parallel execution of multiple data flows, tasks, and packages in SSIS by modifying max current executables and engine thread properties.
  • Developed high performance packages to process large data sets/files by identifying and fixing ETL bottlenecks, implementing multithreading, modulo function and conditional splitting the data into multiple processes.
  • Implemented the Package configuration using XML files.
  • Created C#.Net script for code behind files for connecting backend application utilizing ADO.Net technology.
  • Worked on SSIS Script component using VB.NET and C#.
  • Extensively worked on Data Analysis, Data Modeling, Data Cleansing, Transformation, Integration, Data import and export.
  • Deployed SSIS package into production environment and used package configuration to export various package properties to make package environment independent.
  • Tested, cleaned, and standardized data meeting the business standards using fuzzy /exact lookups using SSIS tasks.
  • Involved in creating SSIS jobs to automate the reports generation and cube refresh packages.
  • Designed and developed scorecards and dash boards using SharePoint Server. Created interactive reports with an ability to drill down into details.
  • Good understanding of data marts, data warehousing, OLAP, star schema modeling, snow-flake modeling, measures, and dimensions.
  • Enhanced the functionality of OLAP cube by creating actions and perspectives from huge dataset using SQL Server Analysis Services.
  • Managed Logins, Roles, security, and permission on different database objects with help of Database Administrator.
  • Implement data cleaning, incremental data loading, event handling and error handling.
  • Managed index statistics, tables, views, cursors and optimizing queries by using execution plan for tuning the database. Implemented different types of constraints on tables.
  • Created logical and physical database design, data structures and maintained it by writing stored procedures, user defined functions, views, T-SQL script.
  • Optimize the database by creating various clustered, non-clustered indexes and indexed views.

Environment: SQL Server 2008/2012 SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, Visual Studio 2005, VB.NET, C#, Team Foundation Server(TFS), XML, HTML, Erwin.




  • Planned, Defined, and Designed data based on business requirement and provided documentation.
  • Developed SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages to automate the nightly extract transform and load jobs.
  • Developed and implemented error handling logics in all the SSIS packages to handle bad data and avoid package failures.
  • Used the SSIS script task, look up, cached look up, Fuzzy group transformations and data flow tasks.
  • Developed packages to handle slowly changing dimensions, data cleansing, loading multiple files and executing tasks multiple times (using for each Loop).
  • Designed and implemented Data Marts, Facts, Dimensions and OLAP cubes having Star schema using dimensional Modeling principles in SSAS.
  • Identified and defined Key Performance indicators (KPIs) for vendor reporting.
  • Designed relationships between the dimensions and measures. Resolved complex many to many relationships and referenced relationships between the dimensions and the measures.
  • Developed custom selection of reports ordering using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • Developed reports using SSRS and published as PDF, Excel, and CSV formats.
  • Setup Partitioned Tables and Indexes for Parallel Processing of queries using SQL Server 2008 Partition functions and schemes.
  • Involved in Unit testing integrated testing and System testing.

Environment: SQL Server 2008/2005 SSIS, SSRS, Visual Studio 2005, Windows Enterprise Server 2003, ADO.NET, XML, HTML, Erwin.


Jr. Database Developer


  • Worked with non-technical colleagues and provide them SQL 2005 queries and store procedures to make their task easy and less time consuming.
  • Created complex SQL join queries, views, and store procedures.
  • Write Stored Procedures, ad hoc queries, join operations, dynamic SQL to extract the data in smoother and quicker manner out of Database.
  • Used SSIS to process the text file data into Database and clean up the file system folders for next day's processing.
  • Created SSIS Packages that Transfers Databases from One SQL Server instance to Another Instance.
  • Worked on data cleansing techniques using look-ups, conditional split, and fuzzy lookup.
  • Provided efficient error handling to SSIS packages.
  • Prepared the reports using SSRS 2005 from scratch.
  • Created parameterized, drill down reports, and Changed old reports as per requirements using SSRS 2005.
  • Create report model to give flexibility to users to create their own reports in SSRS.
  • Wrote Unix shell scripting to automate the ETL load using stored procedures.

Environment: SQL Server 20005/2000 Enterprise, Windows Enterprise Server 2003, DTS, T-SQL, Crystal reports7, Windows 2000 Server, .Net Programming, VSS 4.0.

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