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Sr Data Architect Evanston, IL


I am a team - oriented, intellectually curious IT professional/manager who loves managing technologists, helping them create products and solutions that drive corporate growth while helping them grow personally. I seek a challenging management role in a cutting-edge technology organization.


Big Data: Cloudera Hadoop, Avro, Impala, Kafka, Parquet, Kudu, Spark, Hive, ORC, Arrow, Sentry, Druid

Relational: PostgreSQL, EnterpriseDB/PPAS, CitusDB, Oracle RAC, Oracle Exabyte, TurboIMAGE

CLOUD SKILLS: AWS: RDS, EC2, EBS, S3, Glacier, VPC, EC2 System Manager, SNS, SES, ELB, Route 53, Elasticsearch.

DATABASE SKILLS: PostgreSQL, EnterpriseDB / PPAS, CitusDB, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle RAC, Oracle Exabyte, MySQL/MariaDB, Sybase, Microsoft Access, OpenOffice Base, TurboIMAGE, dBase.

PROGRAMMING SKILLS: PL/pgSQL, Ruby, PL/SQL, T-sql, bash/sh, JavaScript, PHP, VB.Net/ASP, Perl, Python, C, 68000/8080/Z 80/6502/32032 assemblers.

SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION SKILLS: Unix & Linux, PostgreSQL & Postgres Plus Advanced Server, SQL Server, Windows server, Oracle 10g/11g/RAC/Exadata, Sybase, IRIX, MPE/XL, TurboIMAGE, MP/M, CP/M.


Confidential, Evanston, IL

Sr. Data Architect


  • my primary project was creating a system that measured performance KPIs for the flow of data through the company’s various systems.
  • This involved collecting requirements and desired KPI measurements and then measuring activity in MySQL, SQL Server and PostgreSQL/RDS databases across AWS and Azure.
  • The results of this project showed a large bottleneck that was quickly fixed providing a significant improvement in data flow latencies.
  • I also participated in international geocoding and data quality improvement projects.

Confidential, Washington, DC

Sr. Data Architect


  • I dramatically improved performance of multiple SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases.
  • For instance, our extensive publicly-released monthly BI dashboard report demonstrating our protection of US consumers was taking up to 5 days to compile.
  • After I made a few adjustments, the report booklet now compiles in 1 day, with all sub-minute vs multi-minute and multi-hour queries. In another situation, one CRM-based data mart’s overnight load time of 16 hours dropped to 2 hours after I moved from ETL to mostly ELT.
  • I worked on both waterfall and agile teams of both business users and technical implementers.
  • Most recently I developed tools that convert multiple large SQL Server data sets into PostgreSQL data warehouse clusters.
  • I also successfully led Data Team members to embrace new processes (ELT, CI, CD) and more open source tools, such as PostgreSQL, Sqitch, git and GitHub that have higher efficiency, fewer errors and faster feature deployment.

Confidential, Barrington, IL

CTO & Lead Consultant


  • I created database architectures, managed technical projects and coded, using industry-forward environments such as Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL. Client systems spanned multiple industries, including financial, legal, non-profit, recreation and network communications.
  • I architected and designed a centralized real-time Oracle RAC NetOps data warehouse that ingested 2-10TB of raw data daily into clean multi-trillion row fact tables, with real-time alerts to field engineers of network problems, aggregated report data at 9 levels on over 250 metrics for 1,200 users running web- and client-server-based BI tools, with sub-second query performance on web sites and sub-minute response to large BI queries.

Confidential, Grayslake, IL



  • Leading a team of 3-6 with lots of hands-on work, I designed and implemented consumer-friendly touch screen user interfaces with section 508 compliant features.
  • This technology formed the base for award-winning sensor-driven marketing devices implemented in various retail spaces ranging from high-end clothing, power tools, cosmetics and grocery. These systems could effectively cross-sell and up-sell and showed some uptake improvement.
  • My team also prototyped a branched logic scripting tool primarily used today to generate automated HR benefit system trees

Confidential, Schaumburg, IL

Vice President of Research and Development


  • Led a team of 60 people in creating and implementing a nationwide, secure, non-Internet, mostly wireless network for the financial industry that securely and reliably communicated financial transactions over a myriad of wireless (including SAT, cellular, and radio networks) and wired (including X.25, Internet and POTS) networks.
  • We also created endpoints for bank mainframe transaction systems, POS and ATM devices, designed the hardware and software to manufacture a router using best-cost fully redundant dynamically selected communication channels using our proprietary network stack to communicate between the endpoint device and our proprietary network.
Confidential, Rolling Meadows, IL

Project Manager; Programmer/Analyst


  • I had to make sure that all corporate systems, including finance, HR, manufacturing, product development and sales, seamlessly inter-operated as the company.
  • To help support this company-wide interoperability, I designed a corporate-wide Oracle data warehouse with a team of 5 business SMEs and 5 technologists. managed departments of 5-70 employees; evaluated, sourced and procured at least $5M of IT equipment and related services annually; managed software development and infrastructure deployment projects; oversaw the technology integration with acquired companies to make sure that Confidential used the best technologies to support the merged company; created and regularly updated disaster recovery plans for all IT systems.

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