We provide IT Staff Augmentation Services!

Senior Consultant Resume

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  • Around 7 years of experience in requirements gathering and analysis, software design, development, testing and maintenance of software applications
  • Experience in ETL using Informatica Power center, Teradata and Unix
  • Proficient in Informatica Power Center 9.x transformations, mapplets, mappings, migration and integration of various data sources like Oracle, Teradata and Flat Files
  • Worked on Source Qualifier, Lookup, Unconnected Lookup, Sorter, Aggregator, Filter, Update strategy, Expression, Stored Procedure, Router etc. transformations
  • Created Workflows, Mappings, Mapplets and Reusable transformations using Informatica Power Center
  • Scheduled Informatica workflows using Tivoli Workload Scheduler
  • Performance tuning of Informatica ETL code
  • Worked on Teradata utilities like Fastload, Fast Export, Multiload and BTEQ
  • Hands on experience on Teradata SQL Assistant
  • Worked on different data sources like Flat Files, Oracle and Teradata
  • Developed Test Plans and Test Cases for ETL processes
  • Extensively used Oracle database through - out several projects
  • Experience in PL/SQL and SQL
  • Created Indexes, Views, Functions, Stored Procedures, Cursors and Triggers on database
  • Used Toad to interact with Oracle database
  • Developed operational reports using JasperReports and iReport Designer
  • Extensively used UNIX operating system
  • Knowledge on JavaScript and HTML web technologies
  • Used VSS, TFS, CVS and SCM version controls for code maintenance
  • Knowledge on Core Banking services such as deposits, loans, lockers and reports
  • Good understanding about Retail domain
  • Worked with major banks Discovery Financial Systems, Union Bank of California, CARD-MRI of Philippines and National Commercial Bank of Jamaica in Finacle implementation
  • Worked on Data Analytics with one of the US major retail company Best Buy
  • Completed Finacle s on Finacle scripting and core banking
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to work effectively in all kinds of environments


ETL Tools: Informatica Power Center 9.x, ETL

Databases: Oracle, Teradata, PL/SQL, SQL

Web Technologies: Java Script, HTML

Tools: Toad, Teradata SQL Assistant, Tivoli Workload Scheduler, JasperReports, iReport Designer, Finacle Scripting, Finacle Tech Online

Version Controls: TFS, VSS, CVS, SCM

Operating Systems: Unix, Windows



Senior Consultant


  • Requirements analysis with business teams
  • Analyzed POSLog and RESA data flows
  • Prepared high level and low level design documents for development purpose
  • Extracted POSLog data and loaded into EDW system using Informatica ETL
  • Created mappings using Expressions, Aggregators, Filters, Lookup, Joiner, Update Strategy, Sequence Generator, Sorter, Router to load data in EDW stage tables
  • Used Teradata BTEQ to do further manipulations on EDW stage tables and to load data into base tables
  • Developed reports using Jasper Reporting tool
  • Modified existing PL/SQL scripts for reporting purpose
  • Prepared test cases for unit testing of ETL mappings
  • Coordinated with offshore team for development of respective modules
  • Worked with QA and support teams for project deployment and releaseAnalysis of source system Confirm-It
  • Initial analysis in Database design and build
  • Teradata utilities like Fastload and BTEQ are used to pull data from flat file sent by Confirm-It
  • ETL mappings are created using Informatica to load data from source system to EDW stage tables
  • Testing of ETL Mappings and data loading through Informatica Workflow Designer
  • Developed PL/SQL procedures for reporting purpose
  • Used Jasper Reporting tool to develop reports
  • Build of test cases for testing purpose ETL and scripts
  • Co-ordinated with offshore team for development and testing
  • Worked with Support team during deployment phase
  • Handling Customers during testing phase and post production



  • Analyzed existing subscription renewal process in Geek Squad Tech Support
  • Used Informatica ETL to pull customer information from Enterprise Customer to EDW
  • Worked on data extraction, loading and transformation from source to target system using mappings like Filters, Router, Sorter, Expressions, Sequence Generator transformations
  • Teradata BTEQ is used to load base tables in EDW from stage tables which are loaded through Informatica
  • Worked on high level and low level design documents
  • Prepared test cases for testing ETL mappings and BTEQ scripts
  • Reports development using Jasper Reports
  • Worked on PL/SQL procedures to fetch data for reports
  • Back to back weekly review calls with business, offshore team and all other stockholders of the project
  • Worked closely with Users during UAT Phase


Senior Systems Engineer


  • Requirements gathering from business teams
  • Provided solutions and validated requirements against features in the Finacle product
  • Conducted POC’s and requirements are validated end to end
  • Involved in initial demos provided to client on the first phase of requirement validation
  • Designed HLD’s for finalized requirements
  • Customized Finacle product as per bank specific requirements
  • Developed Teradata BTEQ scripts to handle required functionality
  • Created views for reducing DB load while selecting required fields
  • Worked on PL/SQL procedures and functions for reports
  • Designed and generated reports using Jasper reporting tool

Confidential, California


  • Analyzed Union Bank functional requirements
  • Validated feasibility of Finacle development for Union Bank
  • Worked on MIS, Regulatory and Operational report designs for the bank.
  • Designed workflow, process maps and provided solution for more than 60 reports
  • Modified PL/SQL procedures for reports
  • Designed and generated reports using iReport designer tool
  • Involved in support activities for mid released deliverables
  • Given full time support for few modules along with ongoing development activities
  • Outstanding in support team during my tenure in maintenance



  • Analyzed CARD MRI loans and reports modules
  • Prepared low level design documents for reporting requirements
  • Prepared work flow for data fetch into reports
  • Written new PL/SQL packages and stored procedures
  • Designed and generated reports using Jasper reporting Tool.
  • Customized loans modules using Finacle Scripting
  • Prepared test cases for unit testing
  • Fixed issues in released deliverables during integration and end to end testing
  • Co-ordinated with onsite teams for project demos



  • Prepared design documents for reports
  • Developed packages using stored procedures and functions for report generations
  • Designed, developed and generated reports using iReport Designer
  • Created new PL/SQL procedures and functions to fetch data
  • Involved in support activities for various modules
  • Fixed issues related to loans, deposits and many more modules
  • Had written test plans for various modules
  • Outstanding in support team during my tenure in maintenance

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