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Sql Developer Resume

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  • Over 7 years of experience in IT industry as a SQL Server Developer with specialized skills in SSIS, SSRS,SSAS
  • Experience in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Transformed data from one server to other servers using tools like Bulk Copy Program (BCP), Bulk Insert, Data Transformation Services (DTS) and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
  • Highly skilled in creating dynamic and customized packages for ETL from various data sources using SSIS.
  • Expert in handling errors, logging using Event Handlers using SSIS
  • Hands on experience in creatingETLpackages using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS 2005/2008).
  • Experience in design and implement processes for deploying, managing and extracting data for reporting using SQL Reporting Services SSRS.
  • Expertise in Data Extraction, Transforming and Loading (ETL) using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), Data Transform Services (DTS), Bulk Insert and BCP.
  • Expert in Developing SSIS Packages to Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) data into the Data warehouse from Heterogeneous databases such as Oracle, DB2 and MS Access.
  • Proven knowledge of enterprise Reporting and Business Intelligence.
  • Very good experience in Installation, configuration and maintenance of SQL Server.
  • Developed complex stored procedures and Queries for implementing business logic and process in backend, for data extraction, reports and other client interfaces.
  • Great Knowledge and basic experience on the design, construction and implementation of Business Intelligence tools for Star Schema, Snow Flakes, Data - Warehousing, OLAP cubes using SSAS.
  • Strong troubleshooting and problem solving skills and strong ability to prioritize multiple tasks.
  • Extensive knowledge of Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Concepts
  • Well versed in Normalization/De-normalization techniques for optimum performance in relational and database environments.
  • Experience in using SQL Server 2008, 2005, 2000 and Oracle 10g
  • Expertise in writing Stored Procedures, Triggers, Views and Functions using SQL and PL/SQL.
  • Experience in Query optimization/Performance tuning.
  • Extensive experience in using T-SQL (DML, DDL, DCL) in SQL Server 2000/20005/2008 platforms.
  • Experience in Deploying reports in various sources like Web browser in XML and PDF formats.
  • Experience in building Deployment environment in ETL projects.
  • Highly motivated and adaptive with the ability to grasp things quickly and possess excellent interpersonal technical and communicational skills.


Database: SQL Server 2012/2008/2005/2000 , Oracle 10g 9i, MS-Access

Operating System: Windows 95/98/2000/XP/2003/7, Unix, Linux

Tools: SSIS

Source Control Tools: Microsoft Visual SourceSafe

Languages: T-SQL, PL/SQL, UNIX Shell Scripting

DB Utilities: SQL Profiler, SSMS

Web Technologies: HTML, XML

Other Applications: MS Office, Adobe Acrobat Reader/Writer

Reporting: SSRS, Crystal Reports


Confidential, MN

SQL Developer


  • Wrote complex Stored procedures to fetch the data from the give Jobs.
  • Created databases, tables, views, functions, and triggers using T- SQL.
  • Efficient use of Joins and sub-queries in queries that retrieve data from multiple tables.
  • Designed many technical documents individually to help the team understand the requirement for Building packages using SSIS.
  • Used SSIS to create ETL packages to Validate, Extract, Transform and Load data to Data Warehouse.
  • Built deployment environment for the data feed inbound development.
  • Designed and developed SSIS (ETL) packages for loading data from OLTP system, DSR (Staging Database) to DW
  • Responsible for Deploying, Scheduling, Alerting and Maintaining SSIS packages
  • Built controller package which helps associating all the packages.
  • Migrated data from Legacy to CRM using SSIS
  • Created and deployed SSIS packages using various transformations such as Slowly Changing Dimension, Multicast, Merge Join, Lookup, Fuzzy Lookup, Conditional Split, Aggregate, Derived Column, and Data Conversion Transformations.
  • Used Execution Plan to optimize and enhance the performance of SQL Queries
  • Created tabular and matrix reports in SSRS. Wrote stored procedures and functions to create SSRS reports.
  • Involved in the creation and deployment of the reports using SSRS and configuring the SQL Server Reporting Server
  • Handled error logging and row level loggings while creating dynamic packages
  • Performed unit testing for every package created
  • Worked on latest version of all software’s like visual studio 2012 ultimate, Management Studio 2012
  • Have great ability to work on TFS
  • Worked on various C# codes to break down the scripts that help mapping with the Data Objects.
  • Worked on Agile Method with 3sprints.

Environment: MS SQL Server 2012, Visual Studio2012, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), Windows Server 2008, MS - Visio, ETL Informatica 9.x

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

SQL Server/SSIS/SSRS Developer


  • Involved in Planning, Defining and Designing data based on business requirement and provided documentation.
  • Gathered data and documenting it for further reference.
  • Maintained the table performance by following the tuning tips like Normalization and Creating Indexes.
  • Tuned SQL query for better performance using SQL Profiler.
  • Created SSIS packages to extract data from OLTP to OLAP systems and scheduled jobs to call the packages and stored procedures.
  • Modified the existing SSIS packages to meet the changes specified by the users.
  • Developed and deployed SSIS packages for ETL from OLTP and various sources to staging and staging to Data warehouse using Lookup, Fuzzy Lookup, Derived Columns, Condition Split, Term, Slowly Changing Dimension and more. Performed ETL mappings using MS SQL Server Integration Services.
  • Performed Loading operation of historical data using full load and incremental load into Enterprise Data Warehouse.
  • Scheduled jobs for executing the stored SSIS packages which were developed to update the database on daily basis.
  • Designed, Developed and Deployed reports in MS SQL Server2008 environment using SSRS.
  • Generated Sub-Reports, Drill down reports, Drill through reports and Parameterized reports using SSRS.
  • Created reports to retrieve data using Stored Procedures that accept parameters.
  • Generated various reports using SSRS 2008.
  • Scheduled the monthly/weekly/daily reports to run automatically onto the Dashboard.
  • Responsible for Monitoring and Tuning Report performance.
  • Scheduled reports and exported in PDF format.
  • Fine tuned SQL Queries for maximum efficiency and performance.
  • Provided documentation for all kinds of SSIS packages.
  • Designed and implemented Stored Procedures for automating tasks.
  • Worked on creating cubes, calculations, deploy of cubes using SSAS.

Environment: MS SQL Server 2005/2008, T-SQL, MS SQL Server Integration Services 2005, MS SQL Server Reporting Services 2005, MS SQL Profiler, SQL Query Analyzer, Visual Studio 2005, Erwin v4.1, Windows XP, MS Office 2003/2007, MS Access.

Confidential, Jacksonville, FL

SQL Server BI Developer (SSIS, SSRS)


  • Involved in requirements gathering and analysis.
  • Translated business requirements into ETL design specifications.
  • Designed and implemented stored procedures and triggers.
  • Created packages in BIDS using Control Flow and Data Flow Transformations to implement business rules.
  • Created the mappings using transformations such as the Derived Column, Pivot, Conditional Split, and Script Component.
  • Used Control Flow elements like for each loop and Sequence container, Execute SQL task, Execute Process task, Execute package task and Script task, File System task, Send Mail Task.
  • Developed SSIS Packages and SQL scripts to extract the data from OLTP system to flat files and for pre-calculated aggregates, summaries, and user specific calculations.
  • Developed audit process for each ETL package which stores all the package information like On Error, Execution date, Parent package, start & end date.
  • Developed Exception handling process for each SSIS packages.
  • Implemented Package Configuration to create setup and also deployment at different environments like Dev, Stage, test and production.
  • Created Cross-Tab, Drill-down and Sub-Report using RDL. Promoted RDLs to Reporting Service Server. Monitored the performance of the reports.
  • Involved in Installation, Configuration and Deployment of Reports usingSSRS.

Environment: SQL Server 2008, SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS), SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS), Oracle 10g, Windows 7,Databases - Oracle, Flat files, Excel files, Visual Studio, SQL Server Management & Business Intelligence studio.

Confidential Cleveland, OH

SQL Developer


  • Created and executed SQL Server Integration Service (SSIS) packages to populate data from various data sources, created packages for different data loading operations for many applications.
  • Developed and maintained enterprise reporting (SSRS Reporting Services) based on specifications and business needs and modified existing reports as needed.
  • Developed ETL’s using transformations like OLE DB Source, OLE DB Destination, Derived Column, Data Conversion, OLE DB command, Slowly Changing Dimension, Union All, Script Task, Flat file Source, Flat file Destination, Conditional Split.
  • Used SSIS to create ETL packages to Validate, Extract, Transform and Load data to Transaction and Data Ware House.
  • Developed Event Handlers for executing Stored Procedures and storing the rows Inserted, rows Selected, rows Rejected, rows Updated and rows Unchanged in appropriate SQL Tables.
  • Using Checkpoints in packages to enable the package to run from the point of failure.
  • Creating package dependencies by calling Child packages within Parent.
  • Using Configurations to make dynamic changes to packages. Configurations like XML, SQL Server and Environment Variables have been used.
  • Using the Default logging as well as Custom Log to keep track of the package.
  • Migrating SQL Server DTS packages to SSIS Packages.
  • Experience in creating multiple reports (SSRS) in Drill mode using tables, crosses tabs and charts.
  • Built effective queries for high-performance reporting and rendered them to HTML, XML, PDF and Excel formats using Reporting Services.
  • Design, deployment, and maintenance of various SSRS Reports in SQL Server 2005.
  • Extensively used VB Script to pass multiple parameters for Stored Procedures to read and write database table.
  • Involved in complete SDLC, which includes requirement gathering, analysis, design, development, and Implementation.
  • Used SQL Server Profiler to trace the slow running queries and tried to Optimize SQL queries for improved performance and availability.

Environment: SQL Server 2005/ 2008, SQL, T-SQL, SSIS, SSRS, Informatica

Confidential, Flemington Hills, MI

SQL Server Developer, SSRS/ SSIS Developer


  • Create User Defined Functions, Stored Procedures, and Triggers.
  • Performed data conversions from Flat files into a normalized database structure.
  • Developed, modified, and optimized complex stored procedures, triggers to handle complex business rules, history data and audit analysis
  • Experience in collecting the user requirements and documenting by creating the use case and flow activity diagrams
  • Responsible for creating constraints, Indexes, and Views.
  • Optimized the performance of queries with modification in T-SQL queries, normalized tables, established joins and created indexes wherever necessary.
  • Created triggers, views, user defined functions to incorporate the flow of business and called various stored procedures from DTS to make the flow of DTS effective.
  • Performance tuning of SQL queries and stored procedures using SQL Profiler and Index Tuning Wizard.
  • Managed up gradation of DTS packages to SSIS packages.
  • Identified and worked with Parameters for parameterized reports in SSRS.
  • Used Database Maintenance Wizard to make necessary changes and to keep the performance of the server at acceptable levels.
  • Configured Server for sending automatic mails to when a DTS process fails or succeeds.
  • Transformed data from various data sources using DTS packages.
  • Created Crystal Reports on daily, weekly and monthly basis for manager’s review.
  • Responsible for MS SQL Server 2000 in Production, Test, Development and Replication & Cluster Server Environments

Environment: SQL Server 2000, Windows 2000 Advance Server, Windows 2003 Server, XML, T-SQL, MS Excel, MS Access,VB.NET 3.0 and DTS.

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