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Sql Server Developer Resume

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New Jersy, NJ


  • 7+ years of experience in IT, Financial and Healthcare environments with primary skill on the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementing and Testing Client/server application using Microsoft SQL Server and BI suite.
  • Hands on experience in installing, configuring, managing, upgrading and migrating, monitoring and troubleshooting SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 .
  • Strong technical knowledge in MS SQL Server development including DTS, Microsoft Analysis Services, Performance tuning, Reporting, Designing logical/physical databases and Troubleshooting.
  • In - depth knowledge of T-SQL, SSAS, SSRS, SSIS, OLAP, BI suite, Reporting and Analytics.
  • SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 RDBMS database development including T-SQL programming.
  • SQL Server 2005/2008 OLAP database development including KPIs, Data mining, working with changing dimensions
  • ETL implementation using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
  • Good ETL skills, Data modeling, Dimensional Modeling knowledge with experience in developing data movement, data cleansing and data integrity processes for the purposes of loading decision support applications utilizing advanced knowledge of DTS packages and Transact SQL, design and support/enhancements/maintenance
  • Developing reports on SSAS & SSRS on SQL Server ( 2000/2005/2008 ). Sound Experience and understanding of SSAS, OLAP cube and Architecture
  • Expert in creating the MDX cubes and dimensions (SSAS).
  • Good understanding ofMicrosoft ReportingService(SSRS)with Report authoring, Report management, Report delivery andReport security.
  • Experience in developingUser reports and management reports using MS SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • Knowledge on integration of BI suite of products with Microsoft Office range of products like MOSS (SharePoint), Business Scorecard Manager, Dashboards, Performance Point Server.
  • Experience in writing Distributed Queries between SQL Servers.
  • Worked in Data modeling, creating star and snowflake schemas in SSAS.
  • Experience with adhoc reporting, Parameterized, Custom Reporting using SSRS for daily reports and SSAS projects.
  • Supported team in resolving SQL Reporting services and T-SQL related issues and Proficiency in creating different types of reports such as Cross-Tab, Conditional, Drill-down, Top N, Summary, Form, OLAP and Sub reports, and formatting them.
  • Experience in creating indexed views, complex stored procedures, effective triggers, and useful functions to facilitate efficient data manipulation and consistent data storage.
  • Expert in Extraction, Transforming and Loading (ETL) data flows using SSIS; creating mappings/workflows to extract data from Oracle, SQL Server and Flat File sources and load into various Business Entities.
  • Involved in DBA activities such as backups, restores, replication etc.
  • Extensive use of DTS in SQL Server, Performance Tuning & Application Design, Backups, Disaster Recovery Planning, Security Management, Managing server and clients, T-SQL, Stored Procedures, Functions and Cursors and Triggers etc.
  • Extensive experience in data migration between homogenous and heterogeneous system using various tools (Data Transformation Services (DTS), SSIS, BCP, Bulk Insert, ActiveX).
  • Good team player, strong interpersonal and communication skills combined with self-motivation, initiative and the ability to think outside the box.


Databases: SQL server 2000/2005/2008 , MS Access

Languages: Transact- SQL, SQL, HTML, C

Operating Systems: Windows NT/98/ 2000/XP/Vista/2003, MS-DOS

OLAP/Reporting Tools: SQL Server Analysis Service (SSAS), SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS), MDX, Business Objects 6.x

ETL Tools: SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server DTS, ETL Informatica.

Other Tools: Microsoft Visual Source Safe, Microsoft Office, MS Visio.

Data Modeling Tools: Microsoft Visio 2000/2003,Altova tool

SQL Server Tools: SQL server Management Studio, SQL server Query Analyzer, SQL server mail service, DBCC, BCP, SQL server profiler

Programming languages: C,SQL,PL/SQL,T-SQL

Data Modeling: Star Schema Modeling, FACT, Dimensions Tables, Physical and Logical Data Modeling

Data Warehousing & BI: SQL Server, Business Intelligence Studio, SSIS, SSAS, Access Manager, SQL Server2000 Analysis Services and SQL Reporting services, DTS, ProClarity, PPS-2007, MOSS


Confidential, New Jersy, NJ

SQL Server Developer


  • Create joins and sub-queries for complex queries involving multiple tables.
  • Generated dynamic stored procedures, triggers for the database development.
  • Involved in installation and configuration of SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 with latest Service Packs.
  • Created SSIS Packages using SSIS Designer for export heterogeneous data from OLE DB Source (Oracle), Excel Spreadsheet to SQL Server 2008.
  • Experience in Extracting, Transforming and Loading (ETL) data from Excel, Flat file to MS SQL Server by using BCP utility, SSIS services.
  • Sound Experience and understanding of SSAS, OLAP cube, Data mining and Architecture.
  • Created SQL server Reports using SSRS.
  • Reports writing based on tickets submitted from front end people using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and Crystal Reports 8.0.
  • Building and writing MDX Queries, Calculated Members, and KPI’s using Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 Analysis Services Business Intelligence (SSAS, SSRS)
  • Involved in migration of DTS Packages (2000) to SSIS (2005) and troubleshoot migration issues. Expert in generating drill down Reports in SSRS 2005/2008.
  • Report writing based on tickets submitted from front end people using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • Design, deployment, and maintenance of various SSRS Reports in SQL Server 2005.
  • Using SSRS, creating well-formed reports and web-based reports for financial applications and transactions.
  • Generated matrix reports, drill down, drill through, sub reports, chart reports, multi parameterized reports.
  • Configure the report server and generated the report models for user interactions.
  • Experience in creating SSIS packages using different type’s task and with Error Handling.
  • Worked on OLAP Data warehouse, Model, Design, and Implementation.
  • Designing OLAP cubes, Data Modeling, Dashboard Reports according to the business requirement.
  • Designing Cubes, Star Schema and Data models for Data Warehousing Applications
  • Experience in Designing and Building the Dimensions and cubes with star schema and snowflake schema using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS).
  • Experience in creating complex SSIS Packages with error handling using control and dataflow elements.
  • Performance tuning and optimization of procedures and queries.
  • Experience in creating complex SSIS packages using proper control and data flow elements.
  • Migrated DTS packages from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 as SSIS Packages.
  • Created SSIS Packages to migrate slowly changing dimensions. Scheduling the SSIS packages and Jobs.
  • Successfully deployed reports in various sources like XML, Web browser and PDF.
  • Created SSIS Packages to migrate slowly changing dimensions. Scheduling the SSIS packages and Jobs.
  • Worked on OLAP Data warehouse, Model, Design, and Implementation.
  • Designing OLAP cubes, Data Modeling, Dashboard Reports, and scorecards according to the business requirement.
  • Designed SSIS Packages to extract, transfer, load (ETL) existing data into SQL Server 2005.

Environment: MS SQL Server 2005/2008, Management Studio, ETL, DTS, Notification Services, Crystal Reports, Data Modeling, OLAP, Data ware Housing, T-SQL, SQL Profiler, IIS 6.0, Windows 2003 Advanced Server, SSAS, SSIS, SSRS, community server.

Confidential, Barrington, IL



  • Created SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages to import data from heterogeneous data sources like Oracle 9i, SQL Server Text files (CSV, Xls, and XML).
  • Used SSIS to unite data from existing system and performed transformations on MS SQL 2008.
  • Extract Transform Load(ETL) development Using SQL server 2008,SQL 2008 Integration Services(SSIS)
  • Developed the SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages to transform data from SQL 2005 to MS SQL 2008 as well as Created interface stored procedures used in SSIS to load/transform data to the database.
  • Designed Cubes with Star Schema using SQL Server Analysis Services 2008 (SSAS). Created several Dashboards and Scorecards with Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS).
  • Involved in design and development of ETL Jobs using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) for data migration between different maintenance systems (VMS, VTrak, and D7i).
  • Worked on scheduling data loading and transformations using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) between different maintenance system.
  • Created many drill through and drill down reports using SSRS.
  • Generated custom and parameterized reports using SSRS.
  • Actively involved in developing Complex SSRS Reports involving Sub Reports, Matrix/Tabular Reports, Charts and Graphs.
  • Designed, Build the Dimensions, cubes with star schema using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS).
  • Experience in working on Cube structure optimization for MDX query performance in Analysis Services 2005(SSAS)
  • Designed complex SSAS solutions using multiple dimensions, perspectives, hierarchies, measures groups and KPIs to analyze performance of Strategic Business Units as well as corporate centers
  • Querying and manipulating multidimensional cube data through MDX Scripting in SSAS.
  • Performed partitioning of cubes as well as cube optimization in order to increase the performance of cubes.
  • Migrated DTS packages from SQL Server and scheduled their execution time.
  • Enhancing and deploying the SSIS Packages from development server to production server.
  • Understanding the OLAP processing for changing and maintaining multi dimensional data warehousing, Optimizing Dimensions, Hierarchies and adding aggregations to the OLAP Cubes.
  • Scheduling the SSIS packages and Jobs
  • Developed perspectives to simplify the process of browsing the cubes.
  • Used Lookups Transformation to get the data from data sets
  • Created SSIS Packages to migrate slowly changing dimensions

Environment: SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition, SSAS, SSIS, T-SQL, SSRS, Windows Server 2008, Oracle 9i, Ms excel 2003,Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

Confidential, Chicago



  • Analyzed the requirements and selected the appropriate fact tables/created fact tables
  • Selected the dimensions required based on the analysis requirements, Created the new dimensions, Shared dimensions, and time dimensions
  • Created the storage type (ROLAP), Created cubes for Business Intelligence.
  • Migrated DTS packages from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 as SSIS Packages.
  • Involved in migration from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008.
  • Utilized Analysis Services (SSAS) to design multi-dimensional models, including the construction of Data View, Fact and Dimension tables, and OLAP Cubes while adhering to enforced development methodologies.
  • Involved in writing MDX Scripts for the OLAP CUBES.
  • Experience in designing and managing SSAS projects.
  • Creating Static Reports using MDX queries and creating MDX Base Report Definition.
  • Experience in building and maintaining Data marts. Created roles for using the cubes
  • Wrote DTS packages to transfer data from heterogeneous database & different files format (Text File, Spread Sheet) to SQL Server.
  • Created tables for data ware housing applications and populated the tables from the OLTP database using DTS packages
  • Transferring data between XML document and SQL server
  • Performed activities such as database creation, database tuning, performance planning, backup planning and database administration
  • Actively involved in Normalization & De-normalization of database
  • Materialized views, dimensions and stored outlines for optimal performance
  • Wrote Triggers and Stored Procedures to capture updated and deleted data from OLTP systems
  • Used Performance Monitor and SQL Profiler to optimize queries and enhance the performance of database servers
  • Used SSRS Reports to write complex formulas and to query the database to generate different types of ad-hoc reports for Business Intelligence
  • Published high-level technical documentation to set standards, guidelines and best practices for SQL Server Database Design, Coding Standards, Periodic Data refresh, database upgrades across the enterprise

Environment: SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, SQL BI Suite (SSAS, SSIS, SSRS), Enterprise manager, Crystal Reports, ERwin, XML, VB.NET, MS PowerPoint, MS Project, MS Access 2000 & Windows Server 2000, Oracle.

Confidential, NJ

SQL DBA/BI Developer


  • Installed and Configured SQL Server 2005.
  • Logical and Physical design of SQL Server databases
  • Involved in Optimization and Performance Tuning of SQL Server using SQL Profiler and Performance monitor.
  • Performance Monitor to track the size of your SQL Server database transaction logs and set up alerts to notify the server before the transaction log fills, thus averting problems that might otherwise seriously affect users and applications.
  • Created Stored Procedures, Triggers, Functions, client specific Views for the Application. Extensive testing on the Performance of the Stored Procedures.
  • Optimized SQL queries for efficiency and provided queries and procedures for the front-end application.
  • Imported and exported data to and from various heterogeneous sources using various techniques like BCP, DTS.
  • Managing the use of disk space, memory and connections. Running DBCC consistency checks, and fixing data corruption in application databases.
  • Administered database users/profiles and security (Managing Security).
  • Wrote scripts to monitor backup and restore activities.
  • Developed parameterized reports through Reporting Services (SSRS) from a variety of data sources including Analysis Services Cubes and prepare for Web publishing.
  • Created ad-hoc queries and reports as requested and provide on-going analytical support for these requests.
  • Converted existing reporting tools to a standardized reporting infrastructure using SQL and Microsoft products.
  • Generated reports with dynamic grouping and dynamic sorting as well as running values.
  • Migrated DTS packages from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005.
  • Used various advanced SSIS functionalities like complex joins, conditional splitting, column conversions etc. for better performance during package execution.
  • Scheduled SSIS Packages for loading Facts and Dimensions.

Environment: T-SQL, SQL Server 2000/2005, OLAP Services, Crystal Reports 9.0, Windows 2000 Server, MS Access 2000, Oracle, VB.net 2003, Erwin Data Modeler, Informatica.


SQL Server DBA


  • Worked on complex data loading (implemented the batch data cleansing and data loading).
  • Worked on DTS Package, DTS Import/Export for transferring data from Heterogeneous Database to SQL Server.
  • Creation/ Maintenance of Indexes for fast and efficient reporting process.
  • Configured Server for sending automatic mails to the respective people when a DTS process failure or success.
  • Created new tables, written stored procedures for Application Developers and some user defined functions.
  • Analyzing the Database Growth and Space Requirement. Handling Users/Logins/User Rights.
  • Maintained a good client relationship by communicating daily status and weekly status of the project.
  • Created linked servers between different SQL Servers and also created linked server with different access files used across various Used Data departments
  • Performed DBA tasks through Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, English Query, Import Export wizard
  • Modification Language (DML) to insert and update data, satisfying the referential integrity constraints and ACID properties.
  • Created and managed users, roles and groups and handled database security.
  • Created Triggers to enforce data and referential integrity.
  • Performance tuning of SQL queries and stored procedures using SQL Profiler and Index Tuning Wizard.
  • Developed SQL scripts to Insert/Update and Delete data in MS SQL database tables.
  • Develop code that matches the prototype and specification, is maintain and, as necessary, portable to other environments.
  • Created Business-Crucial stored procedures and functions to support efficient data storage and manipulation.
  • Logical Data Modeling using ER-Win to fit business requirement.

Environment: SQL Server 7.0/2000, Enterprise Manager, SQL Profiler, DTS, T-SQL.


SQL Server Developer


  • Experienced in rebuilding and transferring new database
  • Created Database Maintenance Plans for the performance of SQL Server, which covers Database Integrity checks, update database Statistics and Re-indexing.
  • Managed database security and implemented encryption/compression for sensitive data in the database
  • Troubleshoot Third party Data migration, DTS, Backups and restore, tune up systems, upgrade
  • Performed Database Search and Query Strategy design, implementation, testing, and optimization.
  • Performed Stored Procedures development and testing, as well as Database Report design and implementation
  • Export data in Excel to SQL Server 2000 via DTS
  • Run daily, weekly and monthly reports for management consumption.
  • Wrote optimized T-SQL stored procedure to improve performance.
  • Involved in trouble shooting and fine-tuning of databases for its performance and concurrency
  • Identified, tested and resolved database performance issues (monitoring and tuning) to ensure data optimization.
  • Worked with Application Developers to design databases and tables to support Development activities and achieve optimal efficiency.

Environment: Windows 2000, SQL Server 7.0/2000, Enterprise Manager, SQL Profiler, DTS, T-SQL, BCP, Replication.

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