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Sql Server Ssrs Developer Resume

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Salt Lake City, UtaH


  • Around 6 years of excellent experience with demonstrated success in the database design, development and deployment of large - scale enterprise applications.
  • Experience as Database Developer and Administrator for large and complex databases in Sql Server 2012,
  • Expert in SQL Server, T-SQL and whole suite of products like SSIS, SSAS, and SSRS.
  • Experience in report generation using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) from relational databases and OLAP cubes.
  • Expert in High Level Design of ETL Package for integrating data from heterogeneous sources like Oracle, Excel, CSV, flat file, Text Format Data.
  • Expertise with job scheduling using SQL Server Agent to perform hourly/daily/nightly updates. Expert in performing database consistency checks using DBCC Utilities.
  • Highly proficient in the use of T-SQL for developing complex Stored Procedures, Triggers, Functions.
  • Skillful in creating Tables, Views, Indexes and other SQL joins and complex query writing.
  • Proficient in Performance Tuning, Query Optimization and running Database.
  • Highly proficient in the use of T-SQL for developing complex Stored Procedures, Triggers, Tables, User Defined Functions, Views, Indexes, User profiles query writing and SQL joins.
  • Solid knowledge of Relational Database Management System (RDMS), Data Warehouse Concepts, OLTP and OLAP and experience with Working on SSIS, SSAS, SSRS, Data Analysis and Data Migration.
  • Worked with T-SQL, DDL, and DML Scripts and established Relationships between Tables using Primary Keys and Foreign Keys and has experience in Web application.
  • Experienced in creating complex SSIS and DTS packages for ETL purposes. Implemented complicated Transformations to be used in SSIS packages.
  • Used DTS/Integration services (SSIS) to migrate data from one system to another and performed several transformations to ensure data integrity and validity.
  • Experience in building Data Integration, Workflow Solutions and Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) solutions for data warehousing using SQL Server Integration Service (SSIS).
  • Creating SSIS Packages and involved in Package configurations and deployments between Development and QA and Production servers.
  • With BIRT, added a rich variety of reports to our application.
  • Source code deployment experience using deployment tools such as CVS, clear case.
  • Extensive experience in report generation using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) from both relational databases and OLAP cubes.
  • Responsible for creating OLAP cubes for deep through analysis using SSAS 2008.
  • Worked on Side by Side migration of multiple SQL 2005 instances to SQL 2008.
  • Worked on stack and queue, heap tables in data structures.
  • Worked on data compressions and backup compressions.
  • Hands on experience in developing Custom Reports and different types of Tabular Reports, Matrix Reports, Crystal Reports, Ad hoc reports and distributed reports in multiple formats using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) in Business intelligence development studio (BIDS).
  • Experience in designing InfoPath forms, form templates, template parts, master-detail forms and integration of these forms with Microsoft Outlook, SharePoint.
  • Experience in developing various kind of reports like Cascading parameters, Drill down, Drill through, Sub Reports and Charts.
  • Excellent Knowledge in analyzing Data ware house by building cubes using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS).
  • Experience checking code into source controls.
  • Experience in VB.NET, C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET and Web Services
  • Strong inclination for finishing job before the project deadline.


Relational Databases: SQL Server 2012/2008/R2/2005/2000, Oracle 10g/9i/8.0, MS Access, MS Excel, DB2, Sybase.

Tools: and Packages SQL Server Management studio, Enterprise Manager, Profiler, Erwin, DTS, Microsoft Visual Source Safe, Crystal Reports9.0, MDX, Visual Studio .Net, Octopus, Visual Source Team Foundation Server (TFS), JIRA

Languages: T-SQL, PL/SQL, V.B6.0, MDX, C, C#, ASP.Net, VB.Net.

Operating Systems: Windows vista/XP/2003/2000/NT 4.0/9x, MS-DOS.

Database Design Tools: MS Visio, Erwin.

Web Technologies: HTML, XML, XSL, JavaScript, IIS(4.0/5.0/6/0)

Application Packages: MS Office, MS Outlook (Microsoft Office Suite)

BI Tools: SQL Server Reporting Tools (SSRS), SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS), SQL Server Analytical Services (SSAS), Performance Point Server 2007.


Confidential, Salt Lake City, Utah

SQL Server SSRS Developer


  • Created SSIS packages to extract data from different sources to consolidate and merge into one single source.
  • Configured SSIS Packages using Environment Variables for Dynamic selection of Development and Production Environment.
  • Managed the entire ETL process involving the access, manipulation, analysis, interpretation and presentation of information from both internal and secondary data sources to end users.
  • Utilized SSIS to produce a Data Mapping and Data Mart for reporting worked with Multi-threading Concepts with Synchronous and Asynchronous transactions.
  • Created SSIS and SSRS infrastructure that pulls data from data sources and provides a sample to use reporting environment.
  • Used SSRS Report Catalog to store the Configuration, Security and Caching Information for the Operation of the Report Server.
  • Designed and implemented Parameterizedand cascading parameterized reports using SSRS.
  • Created different types of SSRS reports like linked reports, tabular reports, charts, sub-reports, drill-down and various parameter based reports like drop down, Multi-Valued, Multi-select.
  • Developed custom ad-hoc reports by using Report Builder, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • Created Dashboards using Performance Point Dashboard designer, added different dashboard items like Scorecards, KPI’s and Filters.
  • Designed, deployed, and maintained complex canned reports using SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS)
  • Deployed SSRS reports to SharePoint Integrated Server mode and later used these reports on different Dashboard tabs.
  • Created various Performance Point filters like List, Tree and Multi-Select Tree using different filter Templates Named Set, MDX Query and Custom Table.
  • Created subscriptions to provide a Daily/Monthly/Quarterly basis reports.
  • Involved in configuring and deploying SSRS reports onto Microsoft Office SharePoint Server.
  • Built effective queries for high-performance reporting and rendered them to HTML, XML, PDF and Excel format using SSRS 2012. Developed reports from OLAP cubes.
  • Implemented cell level security in cubes using MDX expressions to restrict users of one region seeing data of another region using SSAS.
  • Used Open Query from SQL Server the SSAS Server to combine data from SSAS cube and DW database.
  • Created usage based aggregations in cube to minimize time for query retrieval from client tool.
  • Managed and troubleshoot report server related issues.
  • Created logging, custom logging and error handling packages.

Environment: MS SQL Server 2012, Visual Studio2012,Windows Server 2003/2008 and VM ware. ERWIN, SSRS, SSIS, SSAS, LiteSpeed, Veritas NetBackup, MS Excel Power Pivot, Windows7 and Windows 8, Performance Point Dashboard Designer, MS SharePoint Server 2010, Visual Studio 2010

Confidential, Boston, MA

SQL Server SSIS/SSRS Developer


  • Migrating SQL Server 2005 databases into SQL Server 2008.
  • Designing and developing SQL Server 2008 Database, Tables, Indexes, Stored procedures, Views, Triggers.
  • Design/Build Extract Transform Load procedures in SQL Server Integration Services
  • Worked on creating SSIS packages to upgrade SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008.
  • Troubleshooting ODBC and OLEDB connection issues in SSIS packages.
  • Took part in the preparation of Project plan, user acceptance testing. Got a detailed understanding of business functionality and took the responsibility of preparing the Functionality.
  • Developed, deployed and monitored SSIS Packages including upgrading DTS to SSIS.
  • Troubleshooting and fixing Bugs/issues in the enterprise level web application using C#.NET, ADO.NET, ASP.NET.
  • Advanced extensible reporting skills using SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • Developed a High-level dashboard using SSRS 2008.
  • Designed and created Report templates, bar graphs and pie charts based on the financial data.
  • Developed various types of complex reports like Drill Down, Drill through, cross tab reports.
  • Involved in scheduling, creating snapshots and subscriptions for the reports using SSRS 2008.
  • Involved in designingParameterized Reports and Report Modelsfor generatingAd-Hocreports as per the client requirements.
  • Designed the packages in order to extract data from SQL db, flat files and loaded into Oracle database.
  • Developed user defined financial reports to provide on demand financial data analysis using SSRS
  • Performed data conversions from flat files into a normalized database structure
  • Developed numerous ad-hoc reports using SSRS for day to day financial reporting
  • Installed and configured the components required to integrate SSRS with MOSS Enterprise Edition
  • Monitored database status including CPU, memory, I/O, space and dead lock using SQL Server Utilities.
  • Written DTS scripts for data transfer and Involved in System testing.
  • Written and executed complex T-SQL queries using SQL Server Management Studio for back end data validation testing.
  • Worked on SSIS and DTS Packages, DTS Import/Export for transferring data from Heterogeneous Database (Text format data) to SQL Server
  • Data migration (import & export - BCP) from Text to SQL Server.
  • Created interactive reports with SSRS, using the report parameters, query parameters, Filters and Expressions.
  • Involved in design, programming, deploy and Unit Testing of requested Reports

Environment: MS SQL Server 2008, MS SQL Server Management Studio, SSIS-2008, SSRS-2008, .Net framework, C#, Microsoft Excel 2007, Windows 2000, Microsoft project.

Confidential, Hauppauge, NY

SQL Server Developer/ SSAS/ SSRS


  • Created SQL Server Reports using SSRS 2008 and scheduled data driven subscriptions to automate the monthly/quarterly reports.
  • Created parameterized reports for the AE’s and Customers.
  • Formatted the report layout for the requirement and deployment the developed reports on to the server for the end users.
  • Generated Daily, Weekly and monthly reports for the analysis of managers and end users.
  • Supported 24/7 for the production system for post deployment Reports on the server.
  • Designed index, statistics and optimized queries by using execution plan for performance tuning of the database.
  • Designed different kinds of reports like Linked, cascaded and parameterized reports and Worked on Drill Down and Drill-through Reports.
  • Created AD-Hoc reports using Report Builder and maintained Report Manager for SSRS.
  • Created Technical Documentation for reports and maintenance/enhancements of existing Reports.
  • Built MDX (Multi-Dimensional expressions) queries and Data Mining Extensions (DMX) queries for Analysis Services & Reporting Services.
  • Calculated members, named sets, and execute other script commands to extend the capabilities of a MS SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) cube.
  • Responsible for the deployment of the Cube on the SSAS.
  • Based on the required reports, identified various data sources and established the connections using SSIS and constructed data source view.
  • Involved in performance tuning using indexing (Cluster Index, Non Cluster index) tables.
  • Designed and created views for security purposes, implemented rules, defaults, and user defined data types.
  • Designed and implemented data access stored procedures and triggers for automating tasks.
  • Performed data transfers using BCP and BULK INSERT utilities.

Environment: MS SQL Server 2005, MS SQL Server Reporting service 2005, MS SSIS, T-SQL, Windows XP, SQL server BI development studio, Microsoft Visual Studio 2005




  • Created complex Stored Procedures and Functions to support the front-end application.
  • Participated in developing logical model and implementing requirements on SQL Server 2000.
  • Created Indexes, Views, Triggers, Stored Procedures and Packages in T-SQL.
  • Created database triggers to implement business requirements.
  • Successfully created schema change scripts to existing objects to synchronize with changing business rules.
  • Monitored growth of database objects for capacity planning.
  • Involved in tuning the database and T-SQL queries using Explain Plan.
  • Optimize SQL queries for improved performance and availability.
  • Configured and monitored database application.
  • Worked with Quality assurance to develop test plans and test cases to conduct system testing.
  • Involved in performance tuning of the database and T-SQL queries.
  • Preparation of project documentation.
  • Preparation of test plans for assembly testing & System Integration testing.
  • Developed DTS Packages to get the reports, routinely, in the excel sheets, required by the managers for analysis.
  • Developed Reports to generate daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly Reports using Crystal Reports.

Environment: SQL Server 2005, SSIS, SSRS, DB2, Oracle 9i, Asp.Net, ODBC, VBScript, Windows XP, IIS 5.


SQL Server Developer /SSRS Developer


  • Created complex Stored Procedures and Functions to support the front-end application.
  • Created database triggers to implement business requirements.
  • Monitored growth of database objects for capacity planning and involved in tuning the database and T-SQL queries using Explain Plan.
  • Optimized SQL queries for improved performance and availability.
  • Worked with Quality assurance to develop test plans and test cases to conduct system testing.
  • Created and managed schema objects such as tables, views, indexes, procedures, triggers and maintaining Referential Integrity.
  • Developed SQL scripts to Insert/Update and Delete data in MS SQL database tables.
  • Developed and created data dictionary, advanced queries, views, indices, and functions for databases.
  • Wrote database triggers in T-SQL to check the referential integrity of the database.
  • Involved in database management, performance measurement and performance tuning for new databases and existing databases by using SQL Profiler, SQL Analyzer, and SQL Enterprise Manager.
  • Worked on Client/Server tools like SQL Server Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer to Administer SQL Server.
  • Involved in designing high level dashboards according to business requirement using SSRS 2005.
  • Formatted the reports using Global variables, Expressions and Functions using SSRS 2005.
  • Developed Reports to generate daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly Reports using Crystal Reports.

Environment: Windows 2003 Server, MS SQL Server 2000, MS SQL Server 2008, SSRS, DB2, Oracle 9i, ASP, ODBC, VBScript, Windows 2000/XP, IIS 5.

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