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Sql/msbi Developer Resume

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Hopkins, MN


  • 7+ years of experience in Data Modeling, Database Design, Development andImplementation of Client - Server Applications & Database systems using SQL Server 2005/2008/2008 R2/2012/2014
  • Extensive work knowledge in handling huge databases and worked on performance tuning and query optimizations.
  • Extensive experience in using Microsoft BI studio products like SSIS,SSAS,SSRS for implementation of ETL methodology in data extraction, transformation and loading .
  • Expert in Data Warehouse development starting from inception to implementation and ongoing support, strong understanding of BI application design and development principles.
  • Highly experienced in whole cycle of DTS/SQL server integration services (SSIS 2005/2008) Packages (Developing, Deploying, Scheduling, Troubleshooting andmonitoring) for performing Data transfers and ETL Purposes across different servers.
  • Experience in providing Logging, Error handling by using Event Handler, and Custom Logging for SSIS Packages.
  • Experience in Performance Tuning in SSIS packages by using Row Transformations, Block and Unblock Transformations
  • Scheduling and Monitoring ETL Processes using DTS Exec utilities and batch files.
  • Expertise in generating reports using SQL Server Reporting Services, Crystal Reports, and MS Excel spreadsheets and Power Pivot.
  • Expert in designing Enterprise reports using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS 2000/2005/2008 ) generated drill down reports, parameterized reports, linked reports,sub reports, matrix dynamics and filters, charts in SSRS 2005/2008.
  • Experience in creating data driven subscription reports by using Report Builder in SSRS.
  • Performed Data Mining activities like Predictive Analysis, Forecasting on central repository for various application and dashboard functionalities
  • Writing MDX Scripts to create datasets to perform reporting and included interactive drill down reports, report models and dashboard reports.
  • Created Dashboard pages in SharePoint Server that use different types of web parts and excel services for reports
  • With the ease of TFS, managed user permissions among team projects and also, further made it easy to identify any missing permission
  • Has very strong background in a disciplined software development life cycle (SDLC) process and has excellent analytical, programming and problem solving skills.
  • Good team player, Excellent interpersonal and communication skills combined with self-motivation, initiative and the ability to think outside the box.
  • Expertise in defining the business process flow and gathering business requirements.


Languages: SQL SERVER, T-SQL

Databases: MS SQL Server, 2014,2012,2008R2,2008,2005

DWH / BI Tools: SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Reporting

Services (SSRS): SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), Business,Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), Informatica, Visual Studio.

Database Design: MS Visio, ERWIN 4.5/4.0, Star Schema/Snowflake Schema

Tools: and Data: modeling, FACT& Dimensions tables, Physical & logical data

Modeling: modeling and De-normalization techniquesPackages MS Office, Microsoft Office Suit, Microsoft Office SharePoint

Server (MOSS): 2007, Microsoft Performance Point Server 2007

Tools: and Utilities SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Enterprise,Manager, SQL Server Profiler, Import & Export Wizard, Visual,Studio .Net,Microsoft Management Console, Visual Source,Safe 6.0, DTS,Business Intelligence Development Studio,(BIDS), Crystal Reports,Power Pivot, ProClarity, Microsoft,Office (MS), Lotus Notes, ExcelPower Pivot, Excel Data,Explorer, Tableau.

Operating Systems: Windows Vista/XP/2003/2000, NT & Windows 9x, MS-DOS AndUNIX.


Confidential - Hopkins, MN

SQL/MSBI Developer


  • Created databases and schema objects including tables, indexes and applied constraints, connected various applications to the database and written functions, stored procedures andtriggers.
  • Monitoring SQL Server performance using SQL Server Profiler to trace the slow running queries and optimized query execution with the use of Index Tuning Wizard and Rebuild indexes if necessary.
  • Expertise level of knowledge as a data analyst in data conversion and data cleansing from the raw data sources.
  • Worked with project team representatives to ensure that logical and physical data models were developed in line with corporate standards and guidelines.
  • Developed complex Stored Procedures and views to generate various Drill-through reports, parameterized reports and linked reports using SSRS.
  • Hands on experience in controlling Jasper repositories and handed data processing.
  • Involved in gathering reports requirements and then generated reports on Jasper.
  • Initially used Jasper ETL pro for doing the same later on moved to Talend Integration Suite (TIS) for developing the ETL jobs.
  • Huge experience in working with complex stored procedures, joins, taking advantage of set based approach in order to replace time taking cursors, indexes and many more.
  • Responsible for making an analysis of transactions of the client and determining solution for settlement of the client account.
  • Proficient in usage of SSIS Control Flow items (For Loop, Execute package/SQL tasks, Script task, send mail task) and SSIS Data Flow items (Conditional Split, Data Conversion, Fuzzy lookup, Fuzzy Grouping, Pivot).
  • Having hands on experience in DR Processes including Log shipping and Database Mirroring.
  • Experience in building SSIS packages (.dtsx) involving ETL process, extracting data from various flat files, Excel files, legacy systems and loading into SQL server.
  • Hands on experience working with SSIS, for ETL process ensuring proper implementation of
  • Event Handlers, Loggings, Checkpoints, Transactions and package configurations.
  • Created SSIS/DTS packages to copy tables, schemas and views and to extract data from Excel and Oracle.
  • Designed ETL packages dealing with different data sources (SQL Server, Flat Files, and XMLs etc.) and loaded the data into target data sources by performing different kinds of transformations using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
  • Designed high level ETL architecture for overall data transfer from the source server to the Enterprise Services Warehouse.
  • Worked as a developer in creating complex Stored Procedures, SSIS packages, triggers, cursors, tables, and views and other SQL joins and statements for applications.
  • Generated Reports using Global Variables, Expressions and Functions for the reports.
  • Configured Reporting Services in SQL Server 2008.
  • Developed complex Stored Procedures and views to generate various Drill-through reports, parameterized reports and linked reports using SSRS.
  • Implementing all high availability techniques like clustering, log shipping, replication.
  • Working experience with Column store indexes, table partitioning in SQL SERVER 2012.
  • Working experience with in-memory concepts of OLTP databases in SQL SERVER 2014.
  • Designed high level ETL architecture for overall data transfer from the source server to the Enterprise Services Warehouse.
  • Worked as a developer in creating complex Stored Procedures, SSIS packages, triggers, cursors, tables, and views and other SQL joins and statements for applications.
  • Generated Reports using Global Variables, Expressions and Functions for the reports.
  • Developed complex Stored Procedures and views to generate various Drill-through reports, parameterized reports and linked reports using SSRS.
  • Created different Power Pivot reports as per the client requirement.
  • Experience in creating Multidimensional cubes using SSAS and designing DW schemas.
  • Experience in Designing, Building the Dimensions, cubes with star schema using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) for analyzing purpose.
  • Performance Tuning of multiple databases by fixing indexes, table partitioning, usage of temp tables, cte’s, redesigning schemas and many more.
  • Created DSV, Cubes, and Dimensions, DMX/MDX for SSAS Reports.
  • Interacting with the users and troubleshooting the problems involved with the development of stored Procedures, triggers and problems related to the privileges.
  • Created checks and constraints to maintain data integrity.
  • Worked closely with the team in meeting the deadlines pertaining to design and development deliverables.

Environment: Windows2003 Advanced Server, ASP.Net, MS SQL Server 2005/2008/2012 /2014 , TSQL, Pl/SQL, Mongo DB, NoSQL Visual Studio 2008, Oracle 11g, Jasper Reports 6.1.0 API, SharePoint 2007/2010, Congo’s,, SSRS, SSIS, OBIEE, Informatica, Erwin.

Confidential, Rochester, NY

MS SQL / MSBI Developer


  • Migrated and resolved conversion errors for Performance Point Server reports to Sharepoint2010 Business Intelligence platform.
  • Optimized the performance of queries with modifications in T-SQL queries, removed unnecessary columns, and eliminated redundant and inconsistent data.
  • Created numerous efficient Stored Procedures to perform data cleansing and loading task when data is loaded into staging area.
  • Developed the flow charts and diagrams as well as translation of the detailed designs with Lotus Notesapplication.
  • Created views to facilitate easy user interface implementation and triggers on them to facilitate consistent data entry into the database.
  • Experience in Oracle supplied packages, Dynamic SQL, Records and PL/SQL Tables.
  • Migrated DTS packages from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2008 as SSIS Packages.
  • Created efficient, robust SSIS packages for data movement and loading with error checking and well documented code.
  • Created SSIS Packages to integrate data coming from Text files and Excel files.
  • Migrated old data from MS Access into SQL Server 2008 using SSIS Packages in Business
  • Intelligence Development Studio.
  • Created SSIS packages to validate, extract, transform and load data to data warehouse databases.
  • Extensively worked with SSIS tool suite, designed and created mappings using various SSIS transformations like OLEDB Command, Conditional Split, Lookup, Aggregator, Multicast and Derived Column.
  • Wrote stored procedures and User Defined scalar Functions (UDFs) to be used in the SSIS packages and SQL scripts.
  • Deployed SSIS Package into Production and used Package configuration to export various package properties to make package environment independent.
  • Implemented Event Handlers and Error Handling in SSIS packages and notified process results to various user communities.
  • Tested, Cleaned and Standardized Data meeting the business standards using Fuzzy /exact lookups using SSIS tasks.
  • Data management and data processing solutions using SSIS, this includes Error Handling and Slowly Changing Dimensions.
  • Worked on Database Compression for different databases to save space across differentenvironments.
  • Wrote many stored procedures for cleaning, manipulating and processing data between the databases.
  • Extensively used Joins and Common Table Expressions to simplify complex queries involving multiple tables
  • Developed complex Stored Procedures and views to generate various Drill-through reports, parameterized reports and linked reports using SSRS.
  • Created different Power Pivot reports as per the client requirement.
  • Experience in creating Multidimensional cubes using SSAS and designing DW schemas.
  • Enhanced the functionality of OLAP Cube by creating KPI, Actions and Perspective from huge dataset using SQLServer 2008 Analysis Services (SSAS).
  • Created DSV, Cubes, and Dimensions, DMX/MDX for SSAS Reports.
  • Migrated and resolved conversion errors for Performance Point Server reports to Sharepoint2010 Business Intelligence platform.
  • Repaired/recreated PPS reports damaged in the conversion process.
  • Worked on Filtered Views, views and Base table integration between different Source systems.
  • Used Visual Studio 2008 as Source Control, to maintain drop location to test, all docs and scripts.
  • With the help of TFS, managed repositories, build processes, testing infrastructure and lab deployment while easily collaborating and reporting status.
  • Scheduled the Packages in SQL Server Agent on daily/weekly/monthly basis.
  • Document new SSIS packages and Train Senior Analyst on basic SSIS concepts.
  • Interacted with vendors, developers and customers to manage the business requirements.
  • Verified business requirements and functional specifications.

Environment: Windows2003 Advanced Server, ODBC, OBIEE, MS SQL Server 2005/2008/2012 , TSQL, PL/SQL 11g, Informatica, Visual Studio 2008, SharePoint 2007/2010, Qlikview, Lotus Notes, Oracle, SSRS, SSIS, Erwin.

Confidential, Bartlesville, OK

MS SQL/BI Developer


  • Created new database objects like stored procedures, Functions, Triggers, Indexes and Views using T-SQL in Development and Production environment for SQL Server 2008.
  • Migrated DTS packages from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2008 as SSIS Packages.
  • Created efficient, robust SSIS packages for data movement and loading with error checking and well documented code.
  • Optimized the performance of queries with modifications in T-SQL queries, removed unnecessary columns, and eliminated redundant and inconsistent data.
  • Created SSIS Packages to integrate data coming from Text files and Excel files.
  • 2Created SSIS packages to validate, extract, transform and load data to data warehouse databases.
  • Migrated old data from MS Access into SQL Server 2008 using SSIS Packages in Business Intelligence Development Studio.
  • Implemented Event Handlers and Error Handling in SSIS packages and notified process results to various user communities.
  • Deployed SSIS Package into Production and used Package configuration to export various package properties to make package environment independent.
  • Tested, Cleaned and Standardized Data meeting the business standards using Fuzzy /exact lookups using SSIS tasks.
  • Data management and data processing solutions using SSIS, this includes Error Handling and Slowly Changing Dimensions.
  • Wrote many stored procedures for cleaning, manipulating and processing data between the databases.
  • Worked on Database Compression for different databases to save space across different environments.
  • Extensively used Joins and Common Table Expressions to simplify complex queries involving multiple tables
  • Developed complex Stored Procedures and views to generate various Drill-through reports, parameterized reports and linked reports using SSRS.
  • Experience in creating Multidimensional cubes using SSAS and designing DW schemas.
  • Created DSV, Cubes, and Dimensions, DMX/MDX for SSAS Reports.
  • Migrated and resolved conversion errors for Performance Point Server reports to SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence platform.

Environment: Data Transformation Services (DTS), SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition, ODBC, OBIEE, BIDS, Business Objects, Crystal Reports 8.0, XML, ASP.Net, Visual Basic 6.0.

Confidential, Baltimore, MD

MS SQL / BI Developer


  • Migrated and resolved conversion errors for Performance Point Server reports to SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence platform.
  • Optimized the performance of queries with modifications in T-SQL queries, removed unnecessary columns, and eliminated redundant and inconsistent data.
  • Created numerous efficient Stored Procedures to perform data cleansing and loading task when data is loaded into staging area.
  • Developed the flow charts and diagrams as well as translation of the detailed designs with Lotus Notes application.
  • Created views to facilitate easy user interface implementation and triggers on them to facilitate consistent data entry into the database.
  • Provided ongoing Qlikview implementation and support.
  • Outlined new features of Qlikview for clients.
  • Experience in Oracle supplied packages, Dynamic SQL, Records and PL/SQL Tables.
  • Migrated DTS packages from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2008 as SSIS Packages.
  • Created efficient, robust SSIS packages for data movement and loading with error checking and well documented code.
  • Created SSIS Packages to integrate data coming from Text files and Excel files.
  • Migrated old data from MS Access into SQL Server 2008 using SSIS Packages in Business Intelligence Development Studio.
  • Created SSIS packages to validate, extract, transform and load data to data warehouse databases.
  • Extensively worked with SSIS tool suite, designed and created mappings using various SSIS transformations like OLEDB Command, Conditional Split, Lookup, Aggregator, Multicast and Derived Column.
  • Wrote stored procedures and User Defined scalar Functions (UDFs) to be used in the SSIS packages and SQL scripts.
  • Handled Tableau admin activities granting access, managing extracts and Installations
  • Built connections to/pulling data from AS400, mainframe/db2 and Oracle.
  • Implemented Event Handlers and Error Handling in SSIS packages and notified process results to various user communities.
  • Deployed SSIS Package into Production and used Package configuration to export various package properties to make package environment independent.
  • Tested, Cleaned and Standardized Data meeting the business standards using Fuzzy /exact lookups using SSIS tasks.
  • Data management and data processing solutions using SSIS, this includes Error Handling and Slowly Changing Dimensions.
  • Wrote many stored procedures for cleaning, manipulating and processing data between the databases extensively
  • Worked on Database Compression for different databases to save space across different environments. used Joins and Common Table Expressions to simplify complex queries involving multiple tables

Environment: Windows2003 Advanced Server, ODBC, OBIEE, MS SQL Server 2005/2008/2012 , TSQL, PL/SQL 11g, Informatica, Visual Studio 2008, SharePoint 2007/2010, Qlikview, Lotus Notes, Oracle, SSRS, SSIS, Erwin.

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