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Sr. Sql Server Developer Resume

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Austin, TexaS


  • Over 7 years of strong IT experience in the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementing and Testing Client/Server applications using Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005/2008/2008 R2/2012/2014 in OLTP/OLAP/BI environment.
  • Experienced in all phases of software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) from initial planning through deployment and implementation of the projects.
  • Extensive knowledge and experience in dealing with Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) and maintain Referential Integrity by using Primary and Foreign Keys.
  • Experienced in creating and maintaining DDL/DML queries, Constraints, Cursors, Temp Tables, Common Table Expressions (CTE’s) and T - SQL programming to maintain efficient data manipulation and consistency.
  • Expertise in creating complex Stored Procedures, designing and implementing views, indexes, functions & triggers.
  • Experience in query optimization (SQL Tuning) using SQL Profiler, Database Tuning Advisor (DTA); Index tuning wizard and Performance monitor for performance tuning.
  • Created ETL packages with different data sources (SQL Server, Flat Files, Excel files, XML files etc.,) and then loaded the data into destination tables by performing different kinds of transformations using SSIS/DTS packages.
  • Expert in Data Extraction, Transforming and Loading (ETL) using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
  • Extensive experience in managing Event Handlers, Creating User-defined Variables, Securing, Deploying and Scheduling the Packages.
  • Experienced in creating Configuration files to deploy the SSIS packages across all environments.
  • Migrated DTS packages to SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and modified the packages accordingly using the advanced features of SQL Server Integration Services.
  • Experience in Error Handling, Product Support, Debugging, Monitoring, Job Scheduling, Recovery and Backup, Creating Alerts, SQL Mail Agent, Database Mails and scheduled DTS and SSIS packages.
  • Extensive experience in designing and deploying Drilldown, Drill through, Parameterized, Sub reports and dashboards (Contains Bar, Stacked bar, Pie, Trend Line and Dual axis Charts) using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • Worked on large Data Warehouse Analysis services servers and developed the different reports for the analysis.
  • Worked with various Delivery mechanisms of Reports including Email /PDF/Schedules etc.
  • Proficient in creating subscriptions to provide a daily basis reports as well.
  • Refreshing the cube to get the latest information updated and deployment of Cubes to the production server.
  • Generated various reports with drilldowns, calculated members, and drop-downs from the cubes by connecting to Analysis server from SSRS.
  • Have a good knowledge in developing OLAP Cubes by using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) 2005, 2008, 2008R2, 2012, and 2014.
  • Created Cubes and Creating reports using SSAS and SSRS
  • Involved in Designing, Building the Dimensions, cubes with snowflake schema using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) for analyzing purpose.
  • Created shared dimension tables, measures, hierarchies, levels, cubes and aggregations on MS OLAP/ Analysis Server (SSAS).
  • Experience in testing and deploying code through several Software Development Life Cycle environments like TEST, UA/UT, Production and DEV.
  • Highly analytical and solid programming skills besides competent in handling critical situations.
  • Involved in documentation, providing to fresh recruits and also participated actively in review meetings.
  • Actively participated in team building and led many operations for maintaining healthy work environment.
  • Ability to work independently and in a team, capable of handling time-sensitive issues in distributed environments.
  • Good exposure to onsite offshore model.


RDBMS/DBMS: MS-SQL Server 2014/2012/2008 R 2/2008/2005/2000/7.0 Oracle 8i/9i/10g, MS Access.

Programming: T-SQL, PL/SQL, XML, ASP .NET, Shell/Bash Scripting.

Software/Databases: MS SQL Server 2014/2012/2008 R 2/2008/2005/2000/7.0 , Oracle 9i/10g, OLTP, OLAP, MS SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager, SQL Query Analyzer, Web Services, SQL Profiler, Bulk Copy Program (BCP).

IDE & BI Tools: SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) SSIS/SSRS/SSAS, SQL Server Management studio (SSMS), Visual Studio 2013/2012/2008/2005.

Version Control: Team Foundation Server (TFS), Visual SourceSafe (VSS).

Web Servers: IIS 6.0, Apache, SharePoint & Performance Point Server.

Data modeling Tools: Erwin 7.2/4.5/4.0, MS Visio 2007/2010/2013 , Rational Rose.

Design Methodology: Unified Modeling Language (UML) 1.1 using Rational Rose.

Operating Systems: Linux (Redhat-7/6/5), Windows 10/8/7/Vista/NT/XP/ 2003/2000/98 , Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows 2003 Enterprise Server.


Sr. SQL Server Developer

Confidential - Austin, Texas


  • Involved in complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process by analyzing business requirements and understanding the functional workflow of information from source systems to destination systems.
  • Worked closely with BA's to solve the business problems and code as needed.
  • Worked on HEDIS and STAR Measures for Rate calculation of each vendor and generated report for the business providing a clear analysis of star rating.
  • Created Tables, stored procedures, Triggers, User-defined Functions (UDF), Views, Indexes for both Online and Batch requests handling business logic and functionality of various modules.
  • Wrote Complex Adhoc queries using common table expressions, recursive CTE’s, Temp tables and created indexes on the temp tables to increase the performance of long running queries as per the business requests.
  • Created Fact, Dim and tables and populated them using SSIS packages and Stored Procedures.
  • Created SSIS Packages to dynamically generate Flat files, CSV files and Excel files and sent them to Health Plans through secured FTP server.
  • Improved the performance of long running SSIS packages by reducing the use of Asynchronous transformations and implementing parallel Synchronous transformations.
  • Worked on various tasks and transformations like Execute SQL Task, Execute Package Task, conditional split, Script Component, Merge, Lookup, Derived Column, Sort, Aggregate and Merge Join while loading the data into destination.
  • Worked on package Configurations to move packages across Development, Test and Production environments.
  • Created and maintained data flow diagrams for existing and future ETL processes.
  • Responsible for implementation of SSIS Logging, error configurations for error handling the packages and debugging using data viewers.
  • Unit Testing the SSIS packages with respect to its flow and performance issues.
  • Designed, deployed and maintained complex reports using SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • Scheduled reports for daily, weekly, monthly reports for executives, Business analyst and customer representatives for various categories and regions based on business needs using SQL Server Reporting services (SSRS).
  • Customized reports by adding Filters, Calculations, Prompts, Summaries and Functions. Created reports to retrieve data using Stored Procedures that accepts parameters.
  • Created SSRS reports, which contain Drop-Down Parameters, Multi-Valued Parameters, Debugging Parameter Issues, Matrix Reports and Charts.
  • Created various ad-hoc SQL queries for customer reports, executive management reports and types of report types like tabular, matrix, and sub reports.
  • Involved in scheduling, creating snapshot and subscription for the reports and triggers to facilitate consistentdataentry into the database.
  • Worked closely with DBA’s in deploying packages on Staging/Production server and scheduled jobs on Control - M.
  • Documented all database objects, which were used in the project and for further upgrades and maintenance.
  • Involved in Fine-tuning of database objects and server to ensure efficient data retrieval.

Environment: Windows server 2012, Windows 7/XP, IIS 6.0, SharePoint, MS SQL Server 2012/2008R2/2005 Enterprise Edition, Oracle DB 10g, SSIS, SSAS, SSRS, T-SQL, DTS, SQL Profiler, OLAP, OLTP, Performance Point Sever, Office 2007, MS Excel.

Sr. SQL Server Developer

Confidential - Windsor, CT


  • Worked closely with Compliance team, DW team and various channels to understand the type of data and the integration being done currently.
  • Utilized knowledge of existing process of processing Checks and HOLDS on customer accounts in building logic for new stored procedures to be used in creating packages.
  • Scoped the business requirement with different stakeholders.
  • Worked with Business Analysts to do mapping and to alter stored procedures.
  • Created crucial Stored Procedures, Triggers, Functions, Indexes, Tables, Views and other T-SQL code and SQL joins for applications.
  • Created complex macros, views and stored procedures in SQL server.
  • Wrote ETL scripts to load the data into database from various source files.
  • Improved the performance of SQL Queries and stored procedures using SQL Profiler, Estimated Query Plan and Index Tuning Wizard.
  • Used SSIS to create ETL packages to validate, extract, transform and load data to data warehouse and data marts.
  • Developed and maintained maintenance plans, evaluated scheduled jobs and monitored performance during various job runs.
  • Optimized the performance of queries with modification in T-SQL and SQL queries, normalized tables, established joins and created indexes wherever necessary.
  • Experienced in performing various Data Transformation Tasks in SSIS.
  • Experience in SSIS script task using Visual Basic (VB) and C# scripts.
  • Created Configurations to change the package properties dynamically. Scheduled jobs for analyzing successful and failing tasks.
  • Fine-tuned the logic in Procedures, Functions and Triggers for optimum performance.
  • Performed the Tuning of some existing ETL. The process time was reduced from 8 hours to 6 hours. This was 25% gain in performance.
  • Experienced in development of Test Cases in various scenarios around the SQL Code and SSIS Packages in Dev., QA and UAT environments.
  • Developed User Interactive Sheets & Reports as per business needs in SSRS.
  • Responsible for creating the reports using the SQL server reporting services and maintained them.
  • Used various parameter-passing techniques to create input for reporting parameters.
  • Developed complex Stored Procedures to generate various Drill-through reports, parameterized reports, Cascading Parameterized reports, sub-reports and linked reports using SSRS and integrated into the front end.
  • Dented with different ticketing system like Change request, Footprint tickets and Remedy tickets to solve user issues from various groups.

Environment: SQL Server 2008R2, SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (SSIS, SSRS), Visual Studio, XML, XSLT, MS Office and Visual Source Safe.


Confidential - Tampa, FL


  • Created/Updated database objects like tables, views, stored procedures, functions.
  • Created views to facilitate easy user interface implementation, and triggers on tables to facilitate consistent data entry into the database.
  • Involved in providing ETL support for the production server.
  • Deployed SSIS package into production environment and used package configuration to export various package properties to make package environment independent.
  • Migrated DTS packages from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2008R2 as SSIS Packages.
  • Involved in creating SSIS jobs to automate the reports generation and cube refresh packages.
  • Developed Tablix reports, chart reports, line reports, parameterized reports, sub reports using SQL Server Reporting Services 2008.
  • Designed reports using Pivot-tables, bar charts, Line-charts and Pie-charts on data from cubes and SQL Server in Excel 2007.
  • Integration of SSRS Reports using various web parts into SharePoint and various delivery mechanisms.
  • Wrote complex SQL queries using joins, sub queries and correlated sub queries to retrieve data from the database.
  • Deployed SSRS reports onto Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007(MOSS).
  • Designed and developed packages for data warehouse using Integration Services (SSIS) SQL Server 2008/2008R2.
  • Querying and manipulating multidimensional cube data through MDX Scripting (SSAS).
  • Enhanced the functionality of OLAP cube by creating actions and perspectives from huge dataset using SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services.
  • Created SQL Server Profiler traces & used with Database Tuning Advisor (DTA) for optimum performance of T-SQL and MDX queries.
  • Created logical and physical database design, data structures and maintained it by writing stored procedures, user defined functions, views, T-SQL script.
  • Optimize the database by creating various clustered, non-clustered indexes and indexed views.

Environment: SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition, SSAS, SSIS, SSRS, T-SQL, MOSS 2007, MDX, ETL, VB.Net, ASP.Net, C#, Oracle 9i, Performance Point Server 2007, Erwin 7.2.

SQL BI Developer

Confidential - Long Beach, CA


  • Scheduled the packages to run automatically for incremental data and deploy them to their destination servers
  • Developed tables, Views, Stored Procedures, Functions, Indexes and Triggers using SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Understanding the OLAP processing for changing and maintaining the data warehouse, optimizing dimensions, hierarchies and adding aggregations to the cube.
  • Developed SQL scripts to insert, update and delete data in MSSQL database tables in OLTP environment.
  • Performed data consistency and performance tuning effectively with SQL Profiler, Index Tuning Wizard.
  • Developed Report Models using report builder and distributed reports in multiple formats using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) in Business intelligence development studio (BIDS).
  • Improved data load performance by analyzing database design and query plans.
  • Performed changes in the schema of the proposed database as required and informed those changes to the application development team.
  • Created numerous efficient Stored Procedures to perform data cleansing and loading task when data is loaded into staging area.
  • Documented different stages of data transformation, procedures and scripts.
  • Optimized the query performance with modification in T-SQL queries, removing unnecessary columns, eliminating redundant and inconsistent data, establishing necessary joins, creating useful clustered index and non-clustered indexes.
  • Generated database monitoring and data validation reports in SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS).
  • Created partition table for very large database for good performance.
  • Designed dynamic SSIS Packages to transfer data crossing different platforms, validate data during transferring, and archived data files for different DBMS.
  • Maintained system monitoring jobs and provide high availability support.

Environment: MS SQL Server 2005(Enterprise Manager), Query Analyzer, SQL Profiler, Index Tuning Wizard, Data Transformation Services (DTS), Crystal Reports 8.0, XML, ASP.Net, VB Script.

SQL Server Developer



  • Used SQL server business Intelligence Development Studio to design SSIS packages to transfer data between servers and deploy the data. Scheduled the job to do this task periodically.
  • Designed DTS/SSIS Packages to transfer data between servers, load data into database, and archived data file from different DBMS using SQL enterprise manager/SSMS on SQL server 2005 environment.
  • Generated reports using SQL Server Reporting Services, and created user friendly templates, indexes, using xml.
  • Used Notification services to generate error messages and send them to the user through e-mails, pager messages, PDAs and window messengers.
  • Migrated SQL Server 2000 DTS Objects to SQL Server 2005 SSIS Packages and scheduled them.
  • Efficiently used excel worksheets, flat files for loading data to/from a database.
  • Modified DTS Scripts to handle automated tasks for Data (SSIS) to extract, transform and load.
  • Wrote Stored Procedures, Triggers, Functions, and T-SQL Queries to capture updated and deleted data.
  • Implemented and maintained database security.
  • Successfully created Fact Tables, Dimensions and joined them to extract meaningful data.
  • Tuned SQL statements using indexes, SQL stored Procedures.
  • Combined a few simple, unrelated Database Accesses to improve performance.
  • Used Query Analyzer to optimize SQL Queries.
  • Reduced the T-SQL overhead successfully by avoiding unnecessary use of the UNION statement & using the TOP operator to limit the Select Statement in certain Queries.
  • Generated Sales Ranking reports using SQL Server Reporting Services for different subjects.
  • Developed complex reports using multiple data providers, user defined objects, aggregate aware objects, charts, and synchronized queries.
  • Created Cross-Tab, Drill-down and Sub-Report using RDL. Promoted RDLs to Reporting Service Server.

Environment: SQL Server 2005, Visual Studio 2005, MS Access, Actuate Reports, ERWIN, SSAS, MDX, Profiler, Visio, Windows 2003 Server, MS Office 2000, SSRS, DTS, SSIS.

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