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Sql Server/ssis Developer Resume

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Richmond, VA


  • A Data Warehouse/Business Intelligence Developer with 8 years of strong expertise in OLTP, OLAP databases, ETL, Data Integration, Business Intelligence Analysis and Reporting with hard - core experience in Health Care, Property & Causality Insurance and Banking Sectors.
  • Highly Experienced in Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design, Development and testing in SDLC using SQL Server 2005/2008 and Business Intelligence products like SSRS,SSAS,SSIS.
  • ETL Development using DTS/SSIS 2005/2008
  • Highly experienced in ETL life cycle which involves Developing, Deploying, Scheduling, Troubleshooting and monitoring of SSIS packages.
  • Expertise in variousSSIScomponents like Data Conversion, Auditing, Archiving, Email, for loop, for each loop, Fuzzy Lookup, Variables, Parameterize and Error Handling.
  • Responsible for the key roles in a team that efforts to perform ETL development and working along the business analysts and user communities to understand business requirement.
  • BI Reporting using SSRS2005/2008
  • Experience in handling Enterprise wide reporting needs using SQL Reporting Services SSRS which involves creating large enterprise reports, sub reports using charts, report parameters, dropdowns and images.
  • Expert in designing reports using SSRS and Excel Pivot table based on OLAP cubes, complex stored procedures and views.
  • Expert in generating drill down reports, parameterized reports, linked reports, sub reports and filters, charts inSSRS2005/2008 using Report Builder.
  • SQL Administration/T-SQL Programming
  • Highly experienced in Creating tables, Views, Stored Procedures, User Defined Functions (UDF), Backup, Recovery, Performance Tuning that involves creating Indexes, Query Plans Database Tuning Advisor.
  • Experienced in creation of Jobs, setup timely execution and maintenance using tools like SQL Profiler.


  • MS-SQL Server 2012/2008/2005
  • Red-gate Tools
  • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  • BCP
  • DBCC
  • My-SQL Workbench
  • Replication
  • Jobs and Task Creating and Scheduling.
  • BIDS
  • SSIS
  • SSAS
  • SSRS
  • Erwin
  • MDX
  • C#.NET
  • T-SQL
  • PL/SQL
  • PHP
  • XML
  • SAS
  • VBA scripting
  • Excel
  • Visual Studio 2005/2008/2012
  • Dream Weaver
  • TFS
  • MS-Project
  • SharePoint Foundation


Confidential, Richmond, VA



  • Involved in Setting up Microsoft projects in TFS using Visual Studio 2010.
  • Created and scripted several DDL scripts that define the schema and the database objects for the project level databases.
  • Involved in gathering business requirements to develop SSIS Packages on an Enterprise Level to have them work on all the platforms DEV, UAT and PROD.
  • Constructed ETL solutions using SSIS and Management Studio with the use of many Tasks like Data Flow Task, Execute SQL Task, Script Task, Execute Process Task etc.
  • Used SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to integrate and analyze data from multiple homogeneous and heterogeneous information sources (CSV, Excel, Oracle db, and SQL 2005).
  • Expertise Skills in the use of Transformations like Derived Columns, Lookups, Conditional Split, Merge Joins and implementing SCD logics.
  • Designed ETL solutions to accommodate several types of Data that included Medicare, Medicaid Data which is to be submitted to CMS.
  • Used Dynamic Configurations in a package to make the package to make it compatible and executable across all the platforms.
  • Performed query optimization using SQL Profiler, Index Tuning Wizard, DTA, Query Execution Plan, Indexes and appropriate joins.
  • Adhere to change control procedures for deployment of code across all SDLC environments.
  • Made comparisons of the Data change in Excel using VBA scripts and automating that process using SSIS.
  • Developed several Packages in an Agile Environment, Fully supported change management procedures.
  • Made use of Variables and Stored procedures to make the SQL task more dynamic to accept Parameters, so that the code can be re used.
  • Automated the process of Error Handiling and auditing the Package execution using deliverible techniques of storing them in Audit Tables.
  • Involved in developing advance scripts using C# that were used in Script component and Script Task for various purposes like Data Type checks, appending dates, conversions, etc.
  • Wrote store procedures for some job automations.
  • Generated test data and tested database to meet the functionalities deliverables in the project documentation and specifications.
  • Responsible for writing SQL queries, stored procedures, views, triggers, T-SQL and SSIS.

Environment: EDI, SQL Server 2008 R2, SSIS, SSRS, TSQL, TFS (Team Foundation Server),Visual Studio 2010, SQL Power Designer, Visio, Excel, MS-Project, Erwin, BIDS, DTA (Database Tuning Advisor), SQL Profiler.

Confidential, Cleveland, OH

SSIS Developer (Support - SSRS/SSAS)


  • Involved in collecting Business Requirements to develop andimplement SSISpackages on an enterprise level for all the ETL needs.
  • Developed and Maintained Enterprise level Erwin Model for Development and Production Environments.
  • Responsible for testing and maintaining all EDI processes and relationships in the environment.
  • Adding and modifying base EDI schemas, creating maps between the EDI document and internal/external messaging.
  • Used SSIS for RAD ETL development using SSIS packages to Import data from different format of source files originating from SXC. Designed and Implemented Scrubbing logic to maintain Data Quality. Worked on SSIS Export Process to send data to CMS (Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services).
  • Setup SSIS Framework to capture the Package Execution, Performance, and Audit Features.
  • Designed and developedSSISpackages, store procedures, configuration files, tables, views, and functions, Monitor and tune SQL scripts and creating upgrade scripts for production environment.
  • Documented the package framework, logics, tasks and the transformations used.
  • Wrote Optimized Stored Procedures with T-SQL for better performance for OLTP and OLAP needs.
  • Involved in migration of DTS Packages (2000) to SSIS (2005/2008) and troubleshoot migration issues.
  • Experience with SSIS performance tuning using counters, error handling, event handling, re-running of failed SSIS packages using checkpoints in SSIS.
  • Developed OLAP cubes using SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services) and created a number of cubes, dimensions and business critical KPIs using SQL Server Analysis Services that the company will use to analyze performance.
  • Designed reports using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) by using MDX Scripts to create datasets to generate interactive drill down reports, report models and dashboard reports.
  • Generated drill down reports using queries identified and worked with the parameters to generate parameterized reports using SSRS 2005/2008.
  • Involved in creation & web publishing of reports using SSRS in different formats (Excel, PDF, etc.).
  • Deployed and uploaded the SSRS reports to SharePoint Server for the end users and involved in enhancements and modifications.

Environment: Windows Server 2003/2008, EDI, SQL Server 2005/2008, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, TSQL, TFS (Team Foundation Server), Excel, MS-Project, Erwin, BIDS, DTA (Database Tuning Advisor), SQL Profiler.

Confidential, Cleveland OH

SSIS/SSRS Developer


  • Created functional and technical specifications for ETL Development based on business requirements.
  • Develop SSIS packages for Extraction and Transformation processes and setup ETL Architecture setup, Standard Templates, Naming Conventions.
  • Develop production ETL processes, Scheduling and maintainingSSISPackages and batch jobs through SQL Server Agent on a day-to-day basis.
  • Created SSIS packages to output SQL Data to various data sources.
  • Documentation of the ETL processes, standards and naming conventions.
  • Setup ETL environment to maintain Environment specific configurations, so that ETL packages can be easily deployed between Dev., Staging, Test and Production environments.
  • Set up Audit for the configurations to be used for the ETL processes.
  • Document and perform upgrade from SQL Server 2005 to 2008.
  • Monitor and Backup all the created DB objects.
  • Develop triggers to manage and monitor unwanted data loads and errors.
  • Create and standardize several User Defined Functions that were used by the App team in the process of Dev.
  • Setup and Administer Report server in SSRS.
  • Created reports using SSRS to assist users to track the Load processes information.
  • Designed Report Layouts for Parameterized Reports and Drill Down reports, Tabular Reports, Hyperlink Reports.
  • Configured transactional and snapshot replication
  • Assist in optimizing query performance, Recommend Tuning & Efficiency Improvements.
  • Worked with Tabular reports, Matrix reports, Gauges & Chart reports, Parameterized reports, Sub reports, Ad-hoc reports, Drill down reports as well as interactive reports according to business requirements in time restricted environment using SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS).
  • Scheduled execution and delivery of end of the day report using SSRS.
  • Participated in reviews of issues related to SSRS reports and work in troubleshooting those issues, fixing, testing and deploying them.

Environment: Windows2003 Server, SQL Server 2005/SQL2008, SSRS SSIS, T-SQL, BIDS, Team Foundation Server (TFS), Erwin 7.2, SQL Server Profiler, C#, VB.NET.

Confidential, Chicago, IL

SQL Server/ SSIS Developer


  • Designed SSIS Packages in Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), to extract data from various data sources such as Excel spreadsheet, and flat files into SQL Server 2008 for further Data Analysis and Reporting by using multiple transformations provided by SSIS such as Data Conversion, Conditional Split, Bulk Insert, merge and union all, slowly changing dimensions, analysis services processing task.
  • Performance tuning of procedures, views and packages.
  • Have built and deployed the cubes using SSAS in staging and used the SSRS for reporting fetching the data from the cube.
  • Used Joins, correlated and non-correlated sub-queries for complex business queries involving multiple tables from different databases.
  • Implemented Functions, views, triggers and stored procedures and enforced business rules via checks and constraints.
  • Use the SQL Analyzer and Profiler for studying the SQL statements and procedures.
  • Coordinating the work from onshore to offshore through calls and meetings
  • Involved in the major release and code drops.
  • Develop software code for the solution and conduct unit and system testing
  • Coding the stored procedures required for the reports.
  • Worked on ASP.Net and C# for building web applications.
  • Developed the system frontend using C#, ASP.NET 3.5, HTML and SQL server 2008 as the backend database.
  • Monitor SQL servers for errors and performance degradation via RDBMS tools only.
  • Proper use of Indexes to enhance the performance of individual queries for very fast and efficient reporting process.
  • Involved in Administration of the SQL Server by creating users & login ids with appropriate roles & grant privileges to users and roles.
  • Setup the performance counter by using performance monitor to identify the bottleneck of windows server such as CPU, memory, IO, paging and SQL Server and also bottleneck of SQL Server such as buffer cache hit, memory, transaction, procedure cache, paging etc.

Environment: Windows 2003 Sever, SQL Server 2005/2008, DTS, SSIS, SSAS, SSRS, T-SQL, Team Foundation Server (TFS), MS Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server Profiler, C#, ASP.NET.

Confidential, Chicago, IL

SQL Server/SSIS Developer


  • Worked with Project Manager and Business Analyst to understand business requirement and also involved in planning, defining and designing data based on business requirements.
  • Designed and developed SSIS (ETL) packages for loading data from OLTP system, DSR (Staging Database) to DW.
  • Worked on SSIS packages for transferring data from various heterogeneous sources to SQL Server.
  • Database administration and development (Installing, administering, implementing and troubleshooting SQL Server, creating and designing databases)
  • Database optimization, tuning complex stored procedures and index structures to improve performance of Enterprise-Level SQL Server environment.
  • Designing physical and logical database structures/diagrams.
  • Performance tuning and optimization of the various SQL Server environments.
  • Developing SQL scripts for maintaining administration tasks.
  • Responsible for report generation using SQL Server Reporting services SSRS based on business requirements.
  • Successfully tested all task in staging and stored all versions of data using team foundation server(TFS).
  • Running DBCC consistency checks, and fixing data corruption in user databases.
  • Developed Database Backup Scripts and automated this process.
  • Installation of SQL Servers for new projects on SQL systems.
  • Periodic Auditing of SQL Servers, so as to ensure compliance to the standards.
  • Implemented the SQL login security for developers and users.
  • Monitoring the event logs and server logs for troubleshooting.
  • Used the SQL Server Profiler tool to monitor the performance of SQL Server - particularly to analyze the performance of the stored procedures.
  • Analyzed different high availability solutions and implemented Database mirroring, Replication, Database Backups & Restoration, Backup strategies, Incremental and full database recovery.

Environment: Windows 2003 Server, SQL Server 2005/2008, DTS, SSIS, T-SQL, TFS, MS SQL Reporting Services, MS Visual Studio 2008, Report builder, Performance point server, SQL Profiler.

Confidential, Chantilly, VA

SQL Server Developer


  • Designed dynamic SSIS Packages to transfer data crossing different platforms, validate data during transferring, and archived data files for different DBMS.
  • Generated database monitering and data validation reports in SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS).
  • Created Datawarehourse Cubes in SQL Server Analysis Service (SSAS).
  • Deployed SSIS packages and Reports to Production Servers.
  • Upgraded databases from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005.
  • Responsible for the design and development of .Net web applications for firm's Solutions.
  • Migrated data using ETL Tool in SSIS.
  • Maintained system monitoring jobs and provide high availability support.
  • Created partition table for very large database for good performance.
  • Worked on Migration of packages from DTS using SQL Server Reporting Service(SSIS).
  • Participated Databases Architecture and data Modoling design.
  • Designed, developed and implemented web-based application using (C#.NET, VB.NET, ASP.NET, MSSQL, JavaScript, SharePoint) per requirements gathered from customers.
  • Performing DBA functions, installing, configuring and supporting database systems.
  • Reported all events and requirements through established reporting mechanisms in SSRS.
  • Designed and developed OLAP using MS SQL Server Analysis Services
  • Designed and developed MS SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS) under SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005
  • In charge of converting data using SQL Server 2005 using SSIS.

Environment: MS SQL Server 2005, MS SQL Server Reporting Services, MS SQL Server Integration Services, MS SQL Server Analysis Services 2000, C#, ASP.NET, OLAP, UML, DTS/SSIS,BIDS.


Jr.SQL Server DBA / Developer


  • Database administration and development (Installing, administering, implementing and troubleshooting SQL Server, creating and designing databases)
  • Created new tables, views, indexes and user defined functions.
  • Designed the database to fasten certain daily jobs.
  • Designed database maintenance plans to set up core maintenance tasks to make sure that the database performs well, is regularly backed up in case of system failure and is checked for inconsistencies.
  • Involved in performance tuning of TSQL queries and Stored Procedures.
  • Wrote T-SQL statements for retrieval of data.
  • As a Developer created Stored Procedures, triggers, cursors, tables, views and other SQL joins and statements for applications
  • Created data model, logical design, and physical design of the database.
  • Developed complex stored procedures to create various reports.
  • Worked on DTS Package, DTS Import/Export for transferring data from Database (Oracle and Text files) to SQL Server.
  • Tested, Cleaned and Standardized Data meeting the business standards using Fuzzy /exact lookups.
  • Creating, loading, and modifying a new package or an existing package or add and configure components Verified different packages using Views using SQL Integration services.

Environment: MS SQL Server 2005, T-SQL, DTS, Windows2003, MS Visio, Visual Source Safe and FTP Communication, Replication, Query Analyzer, Enterprise Manager, DTS Designer, SQL Profiler, Index Tuning Wizard), Windows XP, MS Access, MS Word.

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