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Sql/msbi Developer Resume

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Jerseycity, NJ


  • Over 8 years of experience in IT industry as a SQL Server Developer with specialized skills in SSIS, SSAS and SSRS.
  • Experience in Mapping Server/parallel Jobs in Data Stage to populate tables in Data warehouse.
  • Expert at developing ETL interfaces using SSIS, Data marts/cubes using SSAS and enterprise reports using SSRS utilizing latest versions (2005/2008) & features.
  • Experienced in all the stages of Software Development Life Cycle and in the migration and up gradation of databases.
  • Extensively worked on OLTP Relational Schema with Normalization and OLAP Dimensional Modeling using Star and Snowflake schema.
  • Experience with self - service BI tools, designing and Developing Dashboards using Tableau.
  • Created Indexes, Views, Index views, Constraints, Stored Procedure, User-Defined functions, CTEs, and effective DDL/DML Triggers to facilitate efficient data manipulation and data consistency.
  • Create visuals quickly and switch between types easily to find the model that best represents the message using Tableau.
  • Experience in Error Handling and Debugging packages using Checkpoints, Data Viewers, Breakpoints, Event Handlers and Loggings (SSIS or Custom Loggings) and securing packages secured packages with Encryption in conjunction with passwords
  • Involved in writing complex Stored Procedures, Functions, Views, Triggers, and Cursors for various business applications.
  • Extensive Experience in RDBMS concepts such as Tables, User Defined Data Types, Indexes, Indexed Views, Functions, CTE’s, Table Variables and Stored Procedures.
  • Experience in SQL Optimizing by using SQL Profiler, Index Tuning Wizard, Database Tuning Advisor, DBCC Commands, DMV’s, DMFs and Query Execution Plans.
  • Expert in Extracting and Transforming data (ETL) from various heterogeneous sources and creating packages using SSIS/DTS, Import, Export Data, Bulk Insert and BCP utilities.
  • Hands on experience with performing various SSIS data transformation tasks like Look-ups, Fuzzy Look-ups, Conditional Splits and Event Handlersetc.
  • Experience in conversion of packages from legacy systems (DTS SSIS) and migrating, deploying the packages across Dev/UAT/Prod environments.
  • Created various SSRS Reports involving variety of features like Reports,Charts,Filters,Sub-Reports, Drilldown,Drill-Through,Multi-valued parameters etc.
  • Worked with end users/customers to understand business requirements, recommended technical solutions and documented functional requirements.
  • Expertise in Business Intelligence lifecycle projects from requirement gathering, documentation, data analysis, modeling, development, testing, production deployment and support. Hands on experience in extracting, transforming and loading data into QlikView applications.
  • Proficient in creating QV data models, QV objects, reports, graphical interactive UI and dashboard using different data sources like Oracle, SQL Server, QVD files, Access, text files, excel documents etc. as per the userrequirement.
  • Excellent analytical/Communication Skills, Team Play and very much result Oriented.


Operating systems: Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/Vista/Windows7/8

Databases: MS SQL Server 2000/ 2005/2008/2008 R 2/ 2012/2014/2016 , MS Access, Oracle 11g

Database Tools: SQL Enterprise Manager, SQL Profiler, DTS Import/Export, SQL Client Configuration utility, Backup Server, Replication Server, OLAP Services, SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), SQL Server Data Tools

ETL Tools: DTS, SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Analysis, Informatics

Reporting Tools: SSRS, Crystal Reports, Congo’s, Micro Strategy, Qlik-view,powerBIs

Development Skills: Transact SQL (T-SQL), PL/SQL

Languages: C, C++, HTML, XML, VB.Net, Asp.Net(C#)

Application Packages: Microsoft Office Suite


Confidential, JerseyCity,NJ

SQL/MSBI Developer


  • Data warehouse design using Top-down and bottom-up and Data Mart design using Star Schema and Snow-Flake schema.
  • Responsible for data analysis, data designing, data mapping, data quality, business and MDR (Minimum data requirements) gathering, Technical Specification writing, project management.
  • Design and implement new BI/reporting solutions as per requirements gathered with business stakeholders.
  • Responsible for making weekly backup databases by using SQL Server 2012 and restore these databases in different server.
  • Created tabular models and reports that retrieve data and aggregates directly from a relational database system, usingDirect Query mode.
  • Hands on experience in Qlik Sense development with high end visualization and server environments.
  • Installed, configured and deployed the application on QlikView server and Imported data from different sources such as Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access, XML files and flat files using OLE DB/ODBC.
  • Used Oracle/SQL Server as backend and also QlikView script for ETL Operations for extracting, transforming & loading data into QV and Qlik Sense applications or into QVD files to speed up the loading process into QV application & also scheduled the application to reload the latest data.
  • Worked on different data sources like oracle, excel files, QVD’s.
  • Implemented Master/Child Packages, so only the Master Package has to be scheduled which will in turn fire the other packages.
  • Created Sequence in SQL Server 2012 to insert same identity value in multiple dimension tables as per the business rules.
  • Handled Performance Tuning and Optimization on SSIS, with strong analytical and troubleshooting skills for quick issue resolution in large-scale production environments located globally.
  • Supported Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse bug fixing and daily money imbalance tickets.
  • Used SSIS to implement the Slowly Changing Transformation, to maintain Historical Data in Data warehouse.
  • Data Investigation and reporting - Extract data from operational systems and reporting databases using a variety of tools, including SSIS. Worked on identifying relationships within the data and between databases, understands requirements of the customer, and the location of required data.
  • Prepared documentation of methods, business requirements, SQL coding, and reporting criteria to a level consistent with departmental standards.
  • Handled all the deployments using TFS from development to production servers using Footprint ticketing tool.
  • Worked on generating monthly renewals after the month end load.
  • Written various T-SQL scripts to check whether data is ready from different sources and to view database tables log that accessed last time.
  • Involved in debugging of packages with help of Breakpoints, Checkpoints, Event Handlers and Loggings.
  • Deployed SSRS reports to the reporting server in SharePoint Integrated mode and assisted in troubleshooting deployment problems.
  • Used various SSIS tasks such as Conditional Split, Derived Column, which were used for Data Scrubbing, data validation checks during Staging, before loading the data into the Data warehouse.
  • Created several reports using SSRS like drill through reports, linked and sub reports.

Environment: SQL Server 2012/2014/2016 Enterprise Edition, .Net 3.5,SQL BI Suite (SSAS, SSIS, SSRS),OLTP, OLAP, Enterprise manager, PPS, XML, MS PowerPoint, MS Project, MS Access 2003 & Windows Server 2003, Oracle, Crystal Reports, Qlik-View,QlikSense, Cogon's, Business Objects, SharePoint, MOSS 2007.

Confidential, Dallas, Texas

MSBI (SSIS/SSRS )Developer


  • Created and refined the performance of various SQL scripts and stored procedures by using UDFs, CTEs and System stored procedures along with usage of tools like SQL Profiler and Database Tuning Advisor (DTA).
  • Creation and debugging of stored procedures, Indexes, Triggers, Views, User Defined Functions and Cursors
  • Worked on the Optimization and restructuring of stored procedures for the application by evaluating indexing and partitioning large tables.
  • Involved in complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which includes requirement gathering, analysis, design, development, and Implementation
  • Used various script tasks, look up transformations, control flow tasks like FTP, bulk insert task, transfer job task etc. and different data flow tasks using T- SQL and Visual Basic (VB) scripts
  • Created SSIS Packages using the concepts of incremental loading and slowly changing dimensions
  • Conversion / Migration of SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 and Reports from SSRS
  • Formulated and documented ETL process design based on business requirements and system specifications including source to target mappings, data dictionaries and transformations.
  • Used DTS/SSIS for ETL processes, SSRS for Reporting needs and SSAS for Analytics reporting including SharePoint integration
  • Understanding the OLAP processing for changing and maintaining the Warehousing Optimizing Dimensions, Hierarchies and adding the Aggregations to the Cube.
  • Involved in writing MDX queries and performance optimization of the SSAS cubes for calculated members and measure groups.
  • Designed XML stages for reading XML log files for capturing data stage jobs audit data.
  • Successfully tested all task in staging and stored all versions of data using team foundation server (TFS).
  • Created Parameterized, Cross-Tab, Drill Down & Drill Through reports by using SSRS 2005/2008
  • Extensively used stages available to redesign Data Stage jobs for performing the required integration.
  • Created and scheduled SSIS packages to pull data from SQL Server database and export the data to various data sources like excel spreadsheets, flat file etc. and vice versa
  • Implemented free text parser for FTP and web data feed inC# .Net
  • Generated Custom ETL scripts using SSIS 2005 and unit test SSIS load processes for performance check.
  • Used the ETL Data Stage Director to schedule and running the jobs, testing and debugging its components & monitoring performance statistics.

Environment: SQL Server 2012/2014 Enterprise Edition, .Net 3.5,SQL BI Suite (SSAS, SSIS, SSRS),OLTP, OLAP, Enterprise manager, PPS, XML, MS PowerPoint, MS Project, MS Access 2003 & Windows Server 2003, Oracle, Crystal Reports, Cogon's, Business Objects, SharePoint, MOSS 2007.

Confidential, Bloomfield, CT



  • Created and managed stored procedures, indexed views, user defined functions, triggers, database constraints to meet business requirements and policies.
  • Project involved maintenance of existing OLTP databases as well as designing SSIS packages for custom warehousing needs.
  • Involved in the data analysis and database modeling of both OLTP and OLAP environment.
  • Involved in extracting the data using SSIS from OLTP to OLAP.
  • UsedProClarityfor accessing and analyzing cubes and dimensions and also worked on integration ofSharePoint with SSRS.
  • Created and refined the performance of various SQL scripts and stored procedures by using UDFs, CTEs and System stored procedures along with usage of tools like SQL Profiler and Database Tuning Advisor (DTA).
  • Created complex stored procedures to perform Index maintenance, data profiling, metadata search, critical staging procedures for loading data marts and reporting database.
  • Created highly complex SSIS packages using various Data transformations like conditional splitting, Fuzzy Lookup, For Each Loop, Multi Cast, column conversion, Fuzzy Grouping, Script Components, error handling.
  • Created Sequence in SQL Server 2012 to insert same identity value in multiple dimension tables as per the business rules.
  • Created SSISDB catalog with SQL Server 2012 to support SSIS package deployments in SSMS with Environment variables respective to each environment.
  • Generated Custom ETL scripts using SSIS 2005 and unit test SSIS load processes for performance check.
  • Created various complex reports and manage those using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS 2008/2005) according to ERLC.
  • Involved in migration and Conversion of Reports from SSRS .
  • Created Tabular reports, Matrix reports, List & Chart reports, Parameterized reports, Sub reports, Ad-hoc reports, Drill down reports as well as interactive reports according to business requirements in time restricted environment.
  • Highly involved in creating, structuring, formatting using Report Designer and Report Builder.
  • Wrote and integrated stored procedures to generate the special reports according to client’s need.
  • Worked on various complex requirements of developing monitoring dashboards with multiple KPIs in Performance Point Monitoring Server 2007, Share point.

Environment: SQL Server 2008R2/2012/2014, BIDS 2005, Reporting services 2005, Integration Services 2005, Analysis Services 2005, Windows Server 2003, Informatica, HealthCare database, Oracle 9i, 10g, DB2, TFS

Confidential, Milwaukee, WI

SQL/MSBI Developer


  • Created SSIS packages to clean and load data to data warehouse and package to transfer data between OLTP and OLAP databases.
  • Created SSIS Packages using Pivot Transformation, Fuzzy Lookup, Derived Columns, Condition Split, Term extraction, Aggregate, Execute SQL Task, Data Flow Task and Execute Package Task etc. to generate underlying data for the reports and to export cleaned data from Excel Spreadsheets, Text file, MS Access and CSV files to data ware house.
  • Extracted data from XML to SQL server.
  • Created SSIS packages for data Importing, Cleansing, and Parsing etc. Extracted, cleaned and validated.
  • Created complex queries to automate data profiling process needed to define the structure of the pre staging and staging area.
  • Scheduled Cube Processing from Staging Database Tables using SQL Server Agent.
  • Generated reports using SQL Server Reporting Services 2005/2008 from OLTP and OLAP data sources.
  • Created complex reports that include multiple data sources and stores procedures with nested tabular and matrix forms and formatted the reports using the Global variables and expressions (conditional formatting).
  • WroteSQLqueries to validate data on staging tables and data warehouse tables to validate the data results.
  • Created complex reports that include multiple data sources and stores procedures with nested tabular and matrix forms and formatted the reports using the Global variables and expressions (conditional formatting).
  • Deployed SSRS reports to the reporting server in SharePoint Integrated mode and assisted in troubleshooting deployment problems.
  • Designed and deployed reports with Drill Down, Drill Through and Drop down menu option and Parameterized and Linked reports.
  • Deploying and scheduling Reports using SSRS to generate all daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly Reports including current status.
  • Created several reports using SSRS like drill through reports, linked and sub reports.
  • Managed very large reports that return a large volume of records and optimized their performance using techniques like cascading parameters and filters.
  • Generated reports using SSRS and Excel Spreadsheets with Power pivots and deployed them in SharePoint integrated mode.
  • Created several materialized views and UDF’s to be accessed by the new front end applications.
  • Used Execution Plan, SQL Profiler and Database Engine Tuning Advisor to optimize queries and enhance the performance of databases
  • Optimized the performance of various SQL scripts, stored procedures and triggers by using embedded UDFs, CTEs and System stored procedures.
  • Successfully tested all task in staging and stored all versions of data using team foundation server (TFS).

Environment: SQL Server 2008R2/2012 Enterprise Edition, .Net 3.5,SQL BI Suite (SSAS, SSIS, SSRS), Enterprise manager, PPS, XML, MS PowerPoint, MS Project, MS Access 2003 & Windows Server 2003, Oracle, Share Point, MOSS 2007, OLTP, OLAP.


SQL Server DBA/Developer


  • Study and understand the requirements of the information required by company’s Procurement Department about the vendors.
  • Designed T-SQL scripts to identify long running queries and blocking sessions
  • Writing and Debugging T-SQL, stored procedures, Views and User Defined Functions
  • Data migration (import & export - BCP) from Text to SQL Server
  • Developed Backup and Restore scripts for SQL Server 2005
  • Created database objects like tables, views, indexes, stored-procedures, triggers, and user defined functions
  • Developed complex mappings using SSIS to transform and load the data from various source systems like Oracle into the SQL 2005 Server target staging database.
  • Created ETL process using for populating data store and imports backup server logs to SQL Server.
  • Written T-SQL queries for the retrieval of the data.
  • Developed administrative tasks of SQL Server of performing daily Backups and Recovery procedures.
  • Worked with the developing team in the Writing functions in Visual Basic 6.0 for Upload download functionality, Data transfer and migration.
  • Responsible for presenting the data from OLAP/ data warehouse database in different type of reports using SSRS and report builder.
  • Implemented various different SSIS features like logins, transactions, checkpoints, deployment, and configuration on designed end-to-end ETL strategy so that the developed packages could be optimized to the fullest depth.
  • Designed and developed SSIS Package template, so similar development practices are followed by all SSIS developers for logging, configurations and error handling.
  • Optimized packages by avoiding use of non-blocking transformation, executing tasks in parallel and optimizing code at source.
  • Used TFS (Team Foundation Server) for code check-in and check-out and manage different versions of complicated code and distribute them to different teams in the organization.
  • Added XML configuration files to each package to deal with different servers like Development, Testing and Production.
  • Deployed SSRS reports to the reporting server and assisted in troubleshooting deployment problems.

Environment: SQL Server 2005/2008/2008 R2 Enterprise Edition, T-SQL, Enterprise manager, VBS, MS Office & Windows 2K platform. Microsoft Business Intelligence (SSIS/SSRS).

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