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Msbi Developer Resume

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  • 8+ years of experience on working with Data Modeling, Database Design, Programming, Development and Implementation of Client - Server Applications & Database systems using SQL Server 2000/20 R 2/2012/2014.
  • Extensive experience on using Microsoft BI studio products like SSIS,SSAS,SSRS for implementation of ETL methodology in data extraction, transformation and loading .
  • Expert in Data Warehouse development starting from inception to implementation and ongoing support, strong understanding of BI application design and development principles.
  • Exposed to .NET 4.0 Framework and worked on SingleSignon concepts, handling UI stuff.
  • Extensive working experience on:
  • Using all kinds of SQL Server Constraints (Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, Defaults, Check, Unique etc.)
  • Writing Complex Transact SQL (T-SQL) Queries, Sub queries, Co-related sub queries, Dynamic SQL queries etc.
  • Programming in SQL Server .net- Stored Procedures, Triggers, User-defined Functions and Views, Cursors
  • Performance tuning of Stored Procedures and T-SQL Queries
  • Implementing SQL Server Indexing and Query optimization using Indexes
  • Good exposure or knowledge working on C#, VB.NET framework
  • Logical & Physical Data modeling, data architecture designs etc.
  • Understanding existing data models, data flows and data dictionaries
  • Creating new data models, data flows and data dictionaries
  • Normalization and De-Normalization techniques
  • Involved in Backing up databases and refreshing Data across environments
  • Huge Data Transfers from & to SQL Server Databases using utilities / tools like DTS, SSIS, BCP, BULK INSERT etc.
  • Creating data load and Upgrade scripts for data migrations, data formatting and data validations
  • Implementing all high availability techniques like clustering, log shipping, replication
  • Experience on providing Logging, Error handling by using Event Handler, and Custom Logging for SSIS Packages.
  • Experience on Performance Tuning in SSIS packages by using Row Transformations, Block and Unblock Transformations
  • Scheduling and Monitoring ETL Processes using DTS Exec utilities and batch files.
  • Expertise in generating reports using SQL Server Reporting Services and MSExcel spreadsheets and Power Pivot.
  • Expert on designing Enterprise reports using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS 2000/2005/2008 ) generated drill down reports, parameterized reports, linked reports, sub reports, matrix dynamics and filters, charts in SSRS 2005/2008.
  • Created Ad-hoc reports, data driven subscription reports by using Report Builder in SSRS.
  • Created Data Marts, Operational Data Store (ODS), OLAP, Dimensional Data Modeling, Star Schema Modeling, Snow-Flake Modeling for FACT and Dimensions Tables using Analysis Services.
  • Created Dashboard pages in SharePoint Server that use different types of web parts and excel services for reports
  • Used Team Foundation Server (TFS) for assigning & integration of tasks, defect management and source & version control.
  • Used Team Foundation Server and JIRA for sprint planning, tracking bugs and work items and as a version control.
  • Has very strong background in a disciplined software development life cycle (SDLC) process and has excellent analytical, programming and problem solving skills.
  • Good team player, Excellent interpersonal and communication skills combined with self-motivation, initiative and the ability to think outside the box.
  • Expertise in defining the business process flow and gathering business requirements.
  • Expertise with Agile & waterfall methodology.
  • Involved in performing Unit Test, Regression Test, Functional Test, integration Test, Stored Procedure Performance Test, on Test server and preparing combined Developer document along with waterfall, Spiral and Agile methods with full SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle).


Languages: T-SQL, PL/SQL, Dynamic SQL, MDX, C, C++, C#,ASP (.NET), XML, HTML, DHTML, HTTP, Shell Scripting

Databases: MS SQL Server 2014/2012,2008R2,2008,2005, Oracle, MS Access

DWH / BI Tools: SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), Visual Studio, SQL Plus.

Database Design Tools and Data Modeling: MS Visio, ERWIN 7.3, Star Schema/Snowflake Schema modeling, FACT& Dimensions tables, Physical & logical data modeling and De-normalization techniques, Kimball &Inmon Methodologies

Packages: MS Office, Microsoft Office Suit, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007, Microsoft Performance Point Server 2007

Tools: and Utilities SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Enterprise Manager, SQL Server Profiler, Import & Export Wizard, Visual Studio .Net, Toad, Visual Source Safe 6.0, DTS, Crystal Reports, Tableau, Power Pivot, ProClarity, Microsoft Office, Excel Power Pivot, Excel Data Explorer.

Operating Systems: Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2003, UNIX.


Confidential, MN

MSBI Developer


  • Created databases and schema objects including tables, indexes and applied constraints, connected various applications to the database and written functions, stored procedures and triggers.
  • Having hands on experience in DR Processes including Log Shipping and Database Mirroring.
  • Experience in building SSIS packages (.dtsx) involving ETL process, extracting data from various flat files, Excel files, legacy systems and loading into SQL server.
  • Created SSIS Packages to integrate data coming from Text files and Excel files.
  • Extensively worked with SSIS tool suite, designed and created mappings using various SSIS transformations like OLEDB Command, Conditional Split, Lookup, Aggregator, Multicast and Derived Column.
  • Hands on experience working with SSIS, for ETL process ensuring proper implementation of Event Handlers, Loggings, Checkpoints, Transactions and package configurations.
  • Implementing all high availability techniques like clustering, log shipping, replication.
  • Implemented new features that came up in SQL 2012/2014 like Column Store Indexes, Pagination, OFFSET and SEQUENCE, setting up permissions and roles for users at both database and server level.
  • Working experience with in-memory concepts of OLTP databases in SQL SERVER 2014.
  • Developed complex web forms using ASP.Net server-side scripting with C#, .NET Framework 3.5
  • Utilized VB Scripting, C#, WCF, Web Forms for developing the codes
  • Hands on experience working with SSIS, for ETL process ensuring proper implementation of Event Handlers, Loggings, Checkpoints, Transactions and package configurations.
  • Created SSIS/DTS packages to copy tables, schemas and views and to extract data from Excel and Oracle.
  • Designed high level ETL architecture for overall data transfer from the source server to the Enterprise Services Warehouse.
  • Developed complex Stored Procedures and views to generate various Drill-through reports, parameterized reports and linked reports using SSRS.
  • Generated Reports using Global Variables, Expressions and Functions for the reports.
  • Developed complex Stored Procedures and views to generate various Drill-through reports, parameterized reports and linked reports using SSRS.
  • Used Tableau to visually analyze data and create concise and actionable dashboards
  • Created different Power Pivot reports as per the client requirement.
  • Experience in creating Multidimensional cubes using SSAS and designing DW schemas.
  • Involved in implementing Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Objects in Create Calculate member in MOLAP cube using MDX in SSAS 2008.
  • Experience in Designing, Building the Dimensions, cubes with star schema using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) for analyzing purpose.
  • Performance Tuning of multiple databases by fixing indexes, table partitioning, usage of temp tables, cte’s, redesigning schemas and many more.

Environment: MS SQL Server 2008/2014, SQL Plus, ASP.Net, PL/SQL, Toad, TSQL, Visual Studio 2010/2013, SharePoint 2013, Team Foundation Server (TFS), JIRA, Tableau, SSIS, SSRS, Erwin.

Confidential, Baltimore, MD

SQL BI Developer


  • Developed SSIS templates which can be used to develop SSIS Packages such a way that they can be dynamically deployed into development, test and production environment and extracted data using SSIS.
  • Experience on building SSIS packages (.dtsx) involving ETL process, extracting data from various flat files, Excel files, legacy systems and loading into SQL server.
  • Created SSIS packages to validate, extract, transform and load data to data warehouse databases.
  • Deployed SSIS Package into Production and used Package configuration to export various package properties to make package environment independent.
  • Tested, Cleaned and Standardized Data meeting the business standards using Fuzzy /exact lookups using SSIS tasks.
  • Data management and data processing solutions using SSIS, this includes Error Handling and Slowly Changing Dimensions.
  • Performed data profiling tasks in SSIS (ETL) using Data Profile Viewer and then clean and standardize data as appropriate for databases.
  • Worked on Database Compression for different databases to save space across different environments.
  • Wrote many stored procedures for cleaning, manipulating and processing data between the databases.
  • Worked intensively in query execution plans, sql profilers and did query optimization
  • Integrated data from multiple sources and stored them in Operational Data Stores (ODS) to pass it further down to Warehouse for reporting purposes.
  • Worked on both Normalization and De-normalization approach and implemented them appropriately for Warehouses and Marts.
  • Worked on Partitioning techniques on huge tables in Enterprise Edition and had to create partitioned indexes on the top of it.
  • Created various weekly and monthly reports showing detailed information in SSRS.
  • Worked on deployments moving data from DEV to PPD and PROD.
  • Working knowledge in publishing Websites and SingleSignOn Concepts.
  • Worked on ASP.NET and able to fix many UI issues in estimated timeframes.
  • Worked closely with Java Developers as part of implementing stored procedures and application related tables.
  • Performance Tuning of multiple databases by fixing indexes, table partitioning, usage of temp tables, cte’s, redesigning schemas and many more.

Environment: Windows2003 Advanced Server, SQL Plus, ASP.Net, PL/SQL, Toad, MS SQL Server 2008/2012, TSQL, Visual Studio 2010/2013, SharePoint 2010, Team Foundation Server (TFS), Tableau, SSIS, SSRS, Erwin.

Confidential, Las Vegas, NV

SQL BI Developer


  • Created databases and schema objects including tables, indexes and applied constraints, connected various applications to the database and written functions, stored procedures and triggers.
  • Analyzed and designed software and database solutions.
  • Performed daily tasks including backup and restore by using SQL Server 2008 tools like SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Profiler, SQL Server Agent, and Database Engine Tuning Advisor.
  • Built SSIS packages (.dtsx) involving ETL process, extracting data from various flat files, Excel files, legacy systems and loading into SQL server.
  • Created Jobs, Alerts, SQL Server Mail Agent, and schedule using DTS/SSIS Packages.
  • Hands on experience working with SSIS, for ETL process ensuring proper implementation of Event Handlers, Loggings, Checkpoints, Transactions and package configurations.
  • Created SSIS/DTS packages to copy tables, schemas and views and to extract data from Excel and Oracle.
  • Designed ETL packages dealing with different data sources (SQL Server, Flat Files, and XMLs etc.) and loaded the data into target data sources by performing different kinds of transformations using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
  • Designed high level ETL architecture for overall data transfer from the source server to the Enterprise Services Warehouse.
  • Designed dynamic SSIS Packages to transfer data crossing different platforms, validate data during transferring, and archived data files for different DBMS.
  • Generated Reports using Global Variables, Expressions and Functions for the reports.
  • Configured Reporting Services in SQL Server 2008.
  • Interacting with the users and troubleshooting the problems involved with the development of stored Procedures, triggers and problems related to the privileges.

Environment: SQL Server 2005/2008/2008 R2, Reporting Services (SSRS), PL/SQL, Toad, SQL Plus, Crystal Reports, Integration Services (SSIS), Analysis Services (SSAS), DTS, Cognos, Team Foundation Server (TFS), Oracle, T-SQL, MDX, Windows, XML, MS Excel and MS Access.

Confidential, Manhattan, NY

Data Modeler/BI Developer


  • Analyzed the business requirements to get a thorough understanding of the testing requirements and developed test plans and created test cases in Rational Test Manager for extensive coverage of the requirements during testing.
  • Designed Logical/Physical and Conceptual models of database using ERwin and VISIO did extensive reverse engineering of databases using ERwin.
  • Worked with the developers to understand the ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) and thus create comprehensive test plans, following the RUP model, for the applications and also gather test data for the data driven test cases.
  • Managed the migration of SQL Server 2000 databases to SQL Server 2008
  • Created Tables, Stored procedures and defined functions. Created SQL scripts for tuning and scheduling.
  • Developed physical data models, data warehouse models and created DDL scripts to create database schema and database objects.
  • Created SSIS Packages to integrate data coming from Text files and Excel files.
  • Built connections to/pulling data from AS400, mainframe/db2 and Oracle.
  • Used SSIS to create ETL packages to validate, extract, transform and load data to data warehouse databases and data mart databases.
  • Migrated old data from MS Access into SQL Server 2008 using SSIS Packages in Business Intelligence Development Studio.
  • Deployed SSIS Package into Production and used Package configuration to export various package properties to make package environment independent.
  • Generated periodic reports based on the statistical analysis of the data from various time frame and division using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • Developed various operational, drill-through and drill-down reports using SSRS.
  • Used DBCC Statements to perform maintenance tasks on the database. Executed DBCC commands like CHECKDB before backing up the databases.
  • Performing Replication (snapshot and transactional).
  • Experience on working with Designing, Building the Dimensions, cubes with star schema using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) for analyzing purpose.
  • Troubleshoot system issues, monitored scheduled jobs and set up maintenance plans for proactively monitoring the performance of SQL Server databases.
  • Configured replication servers and transactional replication between production & standby server for disaster recovery
  • Created calculated measures and dimension members.

Environment: Windows2003 Advanced Server, ASP.Net, MS SQL Server 2005/2008, TSQL, Informatica Powercenter, Visual Studio 2008,Oracle, SSRS, SSIS, Visio, Erwin.

Confidential, Hartford, CT

SQL BI Developer


  • Created new database objects like stored procedures, Functions, Triggers, Indexes and Views using T-SQL in Development and Production environment for SQL Server 2008.
  • Migrated DTS packages from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2008 as SSIS Packages.
  • Optimized the performance of queries with modifications in T-SQL queries, removed unnecessary columns, and eliminated redundant and inconsistent data.
  • Created efficient, robust SSIS packages for data movement and loading with error checking and well documented code.
  • Created SSIS Packages to integrate data coming from Text files and Excel files.
  • Created SSIS packages to validate, extract, transform and load data to data warehouse databases.
  • Built connections to/pulling data from AS400, mainframe/db2 and Oracle.
  • Migrated old data from MS Access into SQL Server 2008 using SSIS Packages in Business Intelligence Development Studio.
  • Implemented Event Handlers and Error Handling in SSIS packages and notified process results to various user communities.
  • Delivered projects working in Offshore-Onsite model. Directly responsible for deliverables.
  • Coordinated with QA Analysts and business partners to support offshore projects.
  • Tracked, monitored and documented offshore project status.
  • Worked on Database Compression for different databases to save space across different environments.
  • Wrote many stored procedures for cleaning, manipulating and processing data between the databases.
  • Developed complex Stored Procedures and views to generate various Drill-through reports, parameterized reports and linked reports using SSRS.

Environment: Data Transformation Services (DTS), PL/SQL, Toad, SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition, ODBC, BIDS, Business Objects, Team Foundation Server (TFS), XML, ASP.Net, Visual Basic 6.0.


MS SQL Server Developer


  • Designed dynamicSSIS Packagesto transfer data crossing different platforms, validate data during transferring, and archived data files for different DBMS.
  • Responsible for writing SQL queries, stored procedures, views, triggers, T-SQL andDTS/SSIS
  • DeployedSSISpackages and Reports to Production Servers.
  • Created all kinds of SQL Server Constraints (Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, Defaults, Check, Unique etc.)
  • Created various complex Stored Procedures, Triggers, User-defined Functions and Views, Cursors in SQL Server
  • Generated database monitoring and data validation reports inSQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS).
  • Createdpartition tablefor very large database for good performance.
  • Migrated data using ETL Tool inSSIS.
  • Worked on Migration of packages from DTS usingSQL Server Integration Service (SSIS).
  • Designed and developedMS SQL ServerReporting Services(SSRS)under SQL Server 2005

Environment: MS SQL Server 2005, SSRS, SSIS, SSAS, ProClarity,C#,ASP.NET, VB.NET, OLAP, Erwin 7.0, DTS/SSIS, BIDS.

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