We provide IT Staff Augmentation Services!

Sr Td Admin Resume

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Detroit, MI


  • Information Technology Professional having around 9+ years of IT experience including 7 years of experience in Teradata Application Development.
  • In - depth understanding of designing, implementing, maintaining, managing, and performance tuning Teradata Applications.
  • Responsible for administration DBObjects, creating physical data model, maintaining database, control standards for central and local database, overseeing all database programming, performance tuning, monitoring and software installs and upgrades, backup/recovery, disaster recovery plans.
  • Expertise with Teradata Admin, Teradata Manager, PMON, Index wizard, Visual Explain, TASM, DBQL.
  • Worked on Data Modeling including creating of Logical and Physical Models using Power Design, ER-win.
  • Expertise in implementing complex Business rules by creating robust mappings, mapplets, and reusable transformations using Informatica Power Center and Power Mart.
  • Extensive experience on Teradata Work Load management concepts, worked with TASM and TDWM. Worked with various user groups and developers to define TASM Workloads, developed TASM exceptions, implemented filters and throttles as needed basis.
  • Expertise with Teradata query performance and tuning using Resusage data, DBQL, collect statistics and secondary indexes.
  • Expertise in writing Scripts using Teradata parallel load/Unload Utilities like: BTEQ, Teradata SQL Assistant, Tpump, FastLoad, MultiLoad, OLE Load, FastExport, TPT.
  • Experience in Database Programming, SQL Programming (Stored Procedures, Functions, Macro and Triggers) for faster transformations and automation.
  • Worked on Security Administration and Desktop Software Management for Teradata Tools and utilities.
  • Worked with Data Modeling Tools like Erwin, VISIO and have Demonstrated experience in Logical and Physical Data Model design process in Star, Snowflake Schema and 3NF’s.
  • Experienced as on call DBA support (24X7) as part of a scheduled rotation with other team members.


Teradata Utilities: BTEQ, MultiLoad, FastLoad, FastExport, Tpump, Teradata SQL Assistant, Teradata Administrator, Teradata visual explain 3.1 & PMON.

Query Languages: Teradata SQL, SQL

ETL Tools: Informatica, Datastage

Data Modeling/Tools: Erwin, Star Schema, Snowflakes Modeling

Databases: Teradata 12,13, Sql Server 2005, Oracle 9i, 10g

Operating Systems: UNIX, Windows XP/NT 4.0, Windows 2000 Server, Windows Vista, LINUX and Mainframe.


Confidential, Detroit,MI

Sr TD Admin


  • Managing database space, allocating new space to database, moving space between databases as need basis.
  • Creating roles and profiles as needed basis. Granting privileges to roles, adding users to roles based on requirements.
  • Addressing day to day users issues such as resetting passwords, unlocking used id’s, working on permission issues.
  • Analyzing & Validating the source data, and design source to target mapping, transformation logic, document the approach and scripts, database layout.
  • Developed various Mappings and Transformations using Informatica Designer
  • Expertise in implementing complex Business rules by creating robust mappings, mapplets, and reusable transformations using Informatica Power Center and Power Mart.
  • Monitoring bad queries, aborting bad queries using PMON, looking for blocked sessions and working with development teams to resolve blocked sessions.
  • Tuning bad queries by analysing explain plans, visual explain to understand optimizer plans, created various NUSI index as needed bases, also used Statistics wizard, QCD, Index Wizard for collecting stats and recommending indexes.
  • Extensively worked with DBQL data to identify high usage tables and columns.
  • Developed various DBQL reports such as top 10 queries with high CPU, Top 10 queries with high.
  • Redesigning the Logical Data Models, and Physical Data Models.
  • Developed Backup and Recovery procedures for Development, Testing and Production Servers.
  • Supported production processes, user queries, and software upgrade installation.
  • Participated in DBA on call rotation to support production system during off hours.
  • Working with developers to resolve issues with load utilities such as FastLoad, MultiLoad, TPump and BTEQ, Worked on moving tables from test to production using fast export and fast load.
  • Generated various system usage reports such as peak CPU/IO usage, CPU parallel efficiency to make sure all AMPS are running parallel, CPU skew, IO skew, CPU ideal etc to management team.

Environment: Teradata R-13, TD Administrator, Teradata manager, PMON, DBScontrol, DBQL, ARC Main, Informatica 7.3, SQL, Teradata Load Utilities (BTEQ, FastLoad, FastExport, MultiLoad), Erwin 7.5, Unix.

Confidential, Thousand Oaks, Ca

Sr. Teradata DBA


  • Managing database space, allocating new space to database, moving space between databases as need basis.
  • Creating roles and profiles as needed basis. Granting privileges to roles, adding users to roles based on requirements.
  • Addressing day to day users issues such as resetting passwords, unlocking used id’s, working on permission issues.
  • Monitoring bad queries, aborting bad queries using PMON, looking for blocked sessions and working with development teams to resolve blocked sessions.
  • Tuning bad queries by analysing explain plans, visual explain to understand optimizer plans, created various NUSI index as needed bases, also used Statistics wizard, QCD, Index Wizard for collecting stats and recommending indexes.
  • Extensively worked with DBQL data to identify high usage tables and columns.
  • Redesigning the Logical Data Models, and Physical Data Models.
  • Developed Backup and Recovery procedures for Development, Testing and Production Servers.
  • Supported production processes, user queries, and software upgrade installation.
  • Participated in DBA on call rotation to support production system during off hours.
  • Working with developers to resolve issues with load utilities such as FastLoad, MultiLoad, TPump and BTEQ, Worked on moving tables from test to production using fast export and fast load.

Environment: Teradata R-12, TD Administrator, Teradata manager, PMON, DBScontrol, DBQL, ARC Main, SQL Server 2005, SSA, SSIS, FastLoad, MultiLoad, BTEQ, and OLE Load, Cognos Windows XP.

Confidential, Dallas, TX

Sr.Teradata DBA


  • Created databases, tables, indexes and new users.
  • Assigned permissions to users and Security Management.
  • Unload / load data into Teradata RDBMS using fastload/fastexport/multiload tools.
  • Implemented secondary indexes on highly used columns to improve performance.
  • Implement Partition Primary Index (PPI) strategy for large history tables with monthly snapshots.
  • Addressing day to day users issues such as resetting passwords, unlocking used id’s, working on permission issues.
  • Analyzing & Validating the source data, and design source to target mapping, transformation logic, document the approach and scripts, database layout.
  • Developed various Mappings and Transformations using Informatica Designer
  • Expertise in implementing complex Business rules by creating robust mappings, mapplets, and reusable transformations using Informatica Power Center and Power Mart.
  • Monitoring bad queries, aborting bad queries using PMON, looking for blocked sessions and working with development teams to resolve blocked sessions.
  • Tuning bad queries by analysing explain plans, visual explain to understand optimizer plans, created various NUSI index as needed bases, also used Statistics wizard, QCD, Index Wizard for collecting stats and recommending indexes.
  • Extensively worked with DBQL data to identify high usage tables and columns.

Environment: Teradata V2R6, TD Administrator, Teradata manager, PMON, DBScontrol, SQL, FastLoad, MultiLoad, BTEQ, OLE Load Teradata SQL Assistant, Informatica Power Center 7.1, UNIX, Windows XP/2000.

Confidential, Minneapolis,MN

Teradata DBA


  • To monitor query run times using Teradata Performance Monitor.
  • Worked with the DBA and Database developers to convert the functional specification to technical specification which is the DDL generation.
  • Developed Shell Scripts, PL/SQL Procedures for creating /dropping of table and indexes of performance for pre and post session management
  • Worked with the DBA and developers to identify performance issues of the ODS population and work together to resolve the issues
  • Done analysis which led to impact analysis and resolving them.
  • Involved in deciding the Standards and Compliancy for the Database.
  • Consolidation of the models to the repository, also consolidation to the main subject area model, identifying the impacts and correcting them.
  • Scheduled and monitored periodic data loads from R/3 to BW

Environment: SAP BW,XI, Teradata SQL Assistant 7.1, Power designer 12.5, Microsoft Excel, Acquisition (internal process), Mload, Tpump, Fastload, Unix & Windows NT.


Database Developer


  • Upgraded the systems from SQL Server 6.5 to SQL Server 7.0
  • Extensively used enterprise manager (MMC) and query analyzer
  • Involved in designing of Conceptual Logical Model and Physical Model for Production database.
  • Involved in Implementation of database design and administration of SQL based database.
  • Created new database objects like Procedures, Functions, Packages, Triggers, Indexes and Views using T-SQL in Development and Production environment for SQL Server.
  • Developed Database Triggers to enforce Data integrity and additional Referential Integrity.
  • Developed SQL Queries to fetch complex data from different tables in remote databases using joins, database links and formatted the results into reports and kept logs.
  • Involved in performance tuning and monitoring of both T-SQL and PL/SQL blocks.
  • Used SQL Profiler and Query Analyzer to optimize DTS package queries and stored procedures
  • Wrote T-SQL procedures to generate DML scripts that modified database objects dynamically based on user inputs
  • Troubleshoot problems concerned with the Databases, Applications, and Development tools
  • Created Stored Procedures to transform the Data and worked extensively in T-SQL for various needs of the transformations while loading the data
  • Involved in performance tuning using indexing (Cluster Index, Non Cluster index) tables

Environment: SQL Server 6.5/7.0, Oracle 8i, Windows NT, C++, HTML, T-SQL, PL/SQL, SQL Loader.

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